We get blood tests because you cannot and SHOULD NOT go by feelz. You are so young I bet you could go well into liver failure before even remotely being jaundiced. I am not saying you are risking liver failure, but certainly taxing the hell out of it wanting to use superdrol. Look at the endless threads on all forums about guys using it, how shitty it makes them feel and how they tap out after a week or two.
If you truly want to be a pro bodybuilder, understand it takes a lot of amateur runs, maybe years, before even approaching a pro card, let alone having a pro physique. The way it seems you are approaching this is certainly not posturing for longevity. I am of the opinion you shouldn’t be touching steroids at all, as there in no way you have exhausted your natural potential. The good thing is that you are young enough you could stop them cold turkey and probably be back to a high normal level in a month or two.
Why do we tell young people to exhaust their natural potential first? Because, sure you will grow now on juice, but nothing like you will when you have trained, eaten and lived the bodybuilding lifestyle all the way up to the point of ”hitting a wall”. Every natural guy I have known or worked with that hit that wall, THEN started using gear, even a small amount, made incredible progress and their physiques really took off.
The guys I inew who started early, like you, never really got more than “gym buff”, meaning the looked good in the gym but would get SMOKED on stage.
Everyone here who has competed can testify to that.
But if you are going to use SD, 10mg injected into delts with an insulin syringe pre-workout on training days is plenty. I have seen clients of other coaches get good gains with this amount. They never go over four weeks.
I only made this last suggestion because although I obviously don’t know you, I have a pretty good idea you are going to keep up the juicing anyway.