Could masteron also reduce anadrol related gyno?

Battled gyno flare ups since I first touched gear many years ago, always struggled to keep it in check. Tried various ai over the years, even ran arimidex upto 1mg ed for a short time not long ago in a bid to help. It didn't really and killed my joints and mood.

I've crashed my estro and still had gyno flare up, I've tried caber and still had gyno flare up, the only thing I found that helped was tamoxifen at 20mg ed.

That was until I added mast into the mix, im fully saturated now at only 200mg/wk and have almost zero gyno flare up, I say almost zero as I can still feel a very slightly flared gland if I press down very hard on the area, but the difference is unbelievable.

I've never had it this under control before, I haven't run any ai for about a month and stopped tamoxifen 10 days ago, it feels great!

Now to the question, I fucking love anadrol but I had to stop it due to the fact it makes my gyno go crazy, titties big and swole! Not sexy.

Should masteron now protect me from the drol wanting to turn me into a big swole tittie mother fucker? Does it work that way or do drol and test cause gyno by different ways?

In a not so serious manner does this mean I'm now gyno proof?
Battled gyno flare ups since I first touched gear many years ago, always struggled to keep it in check. Tried various ai over the years, even ran arimidex upto 1mg ed for a short time not long ago in a bid to help. It didn't really and killed my joints and mood.

I've crashed my estro and still had gyno flare up, I've tried caber and still had gyno flare up, the only thing I found that helped was tamoxifen at 20mg ed.

That was until I added mast into the mix, im fully saturated now at only 200mg/wk and have almost zero gyno flare up, I say almost zero as I can still feel a very slightly flared gland if I press down very hard on the area, but the difference is unbelievable.

I've never had it this under control before, I haven't run any ai for about a month and stopped tamoxifen 10 days ago, it feels great!

Now to the question, I fucking love anadrol but I had to stop it due to the fact it makes my gyno go crazy, titties big and swole! Not sexy.

Should masteron now protect me from the drol wanting to turn me into a big swole tittie mother fucker? Does it work that way or do drol and test cause gyno by different ways?

In a not so serious manner does this mean I'm now gyno proof?
Yes mast made my gyno the smallest it rver was.
Battled gyno flare ups since I first touched gear many years ago, always struggled to keep it in check. Tried various ai over the years, even ran arimidex upto 1mg ed for a short time not long ago in a bid to help. It didn't really and killed my joints and mood.

I've crashed my estro and still had gyno flare up, I've tried caber and still had gyno flare up, the only thing I found that helped was tamoxifen at 20mg ed.

That was until I added mast into the mix, im fully saturated now at only 200mg/wk and have almost zero gyno flare up, I say almost zero as I can still feel a very slightly flared gland if I press down very hard on the area, but the difference is unbelievable.

I've never had it this under control before, I haven't run any ai for about a month and stopped tamoxifen 10 days ago, it feels great!

Now to the question, I fucking love anadrol but I had to stop it due to the fact it makes my gyno go crazy, titties big and swole! Not sexy.

Should masteron now protect me from the drol wanting to turn me into a big swole tittie mother fucker? Does it work that way or do drol and test cause gyno by different ways?

In a not so serious manner does this mean I'm now gyno proof?
I'd have to look up what @Type-IIx said about anadrol and gyno as I can't remember. But for one subject to gyno at all, I recommend having nolva on hand at all times in case.
Tamoxifen also seems to be the only option for me. But I can't function on it so I'm kind of stuck. What is your test base on 200 mg/ week of mast? Maybe I'll try mast in a couple of months. Have you tried primo? If so did it have similar effect?
Does mast actually lower e2? I thought it worked more like a serms and doesn't allow estrogen to bind to breast tissue receptor. I think It would be interesting to see where your estradiol level are though.

Especially depending which AI you just stopped you might get a rebound effect. I think nolvadex also as a rebound effect and will elevate estrogen level. Let us know the results from your blood test I'll be following this thread.

I'm honestly getting confused with all that stuff everytime I taper down my nolva my gyno gets sensitive and start flairing up again. Even when cruising on trt dose at 70 mg/ week with an AI. I think surgery is our best option lol.
if I’m not mistaken, drol mimics estradiol at the receptor site. A serm (being antagonistic in breast tissue) would be the only way to prevent this- reduction/impairment of aromatase expression would lower serum e2 level-but would do nothing if the flair was being caused primarily by the drol.

I’m sure there’s people here with a much better understanding of this but I think that’s the gist of it.
if I’m not mistaken, drol mimics estradiol at the receptor site. A serm (being antagonistic in breast tissue) would be the only way to prevent this- reduction/impairment of aromatase expression would lower serum e2 level-but would do nothing if the flair was being caused primarily by the drol.

I’m sure there’s people here with a much better understanding of this but I think that’s the gist of it.
For me no AI helped when running adrol and having gyno, only nolva, havent tried ralox yet.
And isnt the concensus that masteron acts like a serm rather than affecting estrogen like an ai?

If so then it should work at blocking anadrol gyno as well right?

Somebody correct me if im talking outdated shit
And isnt the concensus that masteron acts like a serm rather than affecting estrogen like an ai?

If so then it should work at blocking anadrol gyno as well right?

Somebody correct me if im talking outdated shit
Have you tried ralox? Less side effects and you can run it at around 20 30 mg a day for gyno prevention with stronger compound. The only way for you to know is try. Try adding anadrol but have some nolva on hand just in case.
I'd have to look up what @Type-IIx said about anadrol and gyno as I can't remember. But for one subject to gyno at all, I recommend having nolva on hand at all times in case.
See From where do Anadrol's apparent "gynecomastic" effects originate?

In a conversation I had with Dr. Scott Stevenson, he raised a couple additional further putative mechanisms:
* perhaps oxymetholone decreases clearance and/or excretion of estrogens (as only a small fraction is excreted via urine as a glycosylated metabolite)
* perhaps oxymetholone exerts a rapid nongenomic effect on mER

My view is that the androgen/estrogen ratio principally controls gynecomastic symptoms, and Masteron is a nonaromatizable androgen, so by increasing the androgen/estrogen ratio, this alone can reduce gynecomastia.

Further, Masteron has been demonstrated to reduce the uptake of estrogens into breast (cancer) cells. By this more direct mechanism, functioning at the tissue level, it can also reduce gynecomastic symptoms.

So yes, it is likely that Masteron can serve to reduce Anadrol-related gyno.
I think i may test this and start adrol tomorrow, i have never tried ralox i will look into it further.

I feel like my mast is just enough at 200mg/wk to hold back gyno from 350 test 300 nand, i may find i have to increase mast when i add in the adrol.

Im excited to try compounds while running mast that ive had gyno problems with in the past, i have tamoxifen on hand just incase, wish me luck!!
Does mast actually lower e2? I thought it worked more like a serms and doesn't allow estrogen to bind to breast tissue receptor. I think It would be interesting to see where your estradiol level are though.

Especially depending which AI you just stopped you might get a rebound effect. I think nolvadex also as a rebound effect and will elevate estrogen level. Let us know the results from your blood test I'll be following this thread.

I'm honestly getting confused with all that stuff everytime I taper down my nolva my gyno gets sensitive and start flairing up again. Even when cruising on trt dose at 70 mg/ week with an AI. I think surgery is our best option lol.

I belive your right but i want bloods to verify, i also want to see how dropping from 600 nand to 300 nand 200 mast has affected my bloods.

I feel a lot better than when im on ai so maybe this is the way to go for me, the only estrogen related side that i ever notice is gyno so if i can control that with mast then i should be able to let my estro do what it wants without any sides.

I get gyno sides on low dose test aswell but since adding mast things are good, so far!!
I belive your right but i want bloods to verify, i also want to see how dropping from 600 nand to 300 nand 200 mast has affected my bloods.

I feel a lot better than when im on ai so maybe this is the way to go for me, the only estrogen related side that i ever notice is gyno so if i can control that with mast then i should be able to let my estro do what it wants without any sides.

I get gyno sides on low dose test aswell but since adding mast things are good, so far!!
How is mast treating your hair? I know it's highly individual like everything but doing alot of reading seems like people shed like huskys in the summer with mast
I havent noticed any shedding yet but i have a good head of hair and theres no baldness in my family. If i start losing hair i will probably stop the mast
Is Masteron as effective as Tamoxifen for controlling gynecomastia symptoms?
See From where do Anadrol's apparent "gynecomastic" effects originate?

In a conversation I had with Dr. Scott Stevenson, he raised a couple additional further putative mechanisms:
* perhaps oxymetholone decreases clearance and/or excretion of estrogens (as only a small fraction is excreted via urine as a glycosylated metabolite)
* perhaps oxymetholone exerts a rapid nongenomic effect on mER

My view is that the androgen/estrogen ratio principally controls gynecomastic symptoms, and Masteron is a nonaromatizable androgen, so by increasing the androgen/estrogen ratio, this alone can reduce gynecomastia.

Further, Masteron has been demonstrated to reduce the uptake of estrogens into breast (cancer) cells. By this more direct mechanism, functioning at the tissue level, it can also reduce gynecomastic symptoms.

So yes, it is likely that Masteron can serve to reduce Anadrol-related gyno.
in my opinion thats where mast works best. When you take it with "wet" compounds. I love mast but i cant sleep when i use it. FUCK