Creatine Linked to Mass Murderer Elliot Rodgers


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A lot of stupidity in the media with certain "news" outlets blaming creatine for Elliot Rodgers mass murder in Isla Vista.

A friend of “virgin killer” Elliot Rodger has revealed he was addicted to a muscle-building supplement, which could have triggered his anger before his shooting rampage.

Chris Akin, a friend of Rodger, told the Mirror that the Isla Vista murderer started taking the supplement creatine..

Akin, who used to Skype regularly with Rodger, 22, said he observed a change in his attitude after he began allegedly taking the drug daily.


Of course, it was an (elaborate hoax).

It's bad enough when tabloid "journalists" write something like this.

But it's even worse when the health and dietary supplement lobbyists step in to defend creatine but only by throwing steroids under the bus. Their defense of creatine is that "creatine is not a steroid". In other words, they are implying that if steroids were blamed, then the steroids --> roid rage --> Elliot Rodgers --> murder claim would have been plausible.

[Dr. Adam Carey, the chair of the European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA):]

It is crucial that people know that creatine is not an anabolic steroid and therefore has no association with what is commonly referred to nowadays as 'roid rage', as is implied in this very unfortunate scenario.

[Duffy MacKay, the senior vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN):]

Creatine is not an anabolic steroid, nor is it a hormone. There is no reason to believe that using creatine would lead to psychological changes or side effects, to addiction or dependence, or to other safety risks.

“We extend our sympathies to the families and friends who lost their loved ones, and we regret having to step into the story. We urge the press to more carefully check their facts and more cautiously rely on their sources.”


Gullible Media Fall for Hoax Linking Elliot Rodgers' Mass Murder to Creatine Use

The dietary supplement industry / lobby is increasingly become one of the worst offenders when it comes to demonizing anabolic steroids.
okay this is the first I have heard of creatine related to roid rage.
Media loves a good story where AAS use can become the target. Oh how they would love to have a ripped 300lb mass murderer. Imagine the media hard on! Another example of useless media seeking to hype up some hatred for those damned creatine users :rolleyes:
Haha unreal so I am addicted to steak. I better watch out if I eat a big steak I will go on a creatine induced rampage.
just so you are aware this was a complete troll...