Critique my next blast


Pretty straight forward, I blast 8 weeks, cruise for 4. I'm 21, 6'2'' 194lbs (6.7% bf via Hydrostatic weighing). Trying to reach weight goal of 215 @ 8% or less, I will adopt a healthier b&c after reaching said goal.

At the start of this cruise I started 30mg mk-677. I plan on running it all the way through this upcoming blast. This is my first experience with any form of hgh/peptide

Cruise dose is 75mg first week of cruise, then 150mg/wk for the next three.

weeks 1-8

300mg test e + 100mg tren ace eod = 1050mg test e 350 tren ace /wk
OR 150mg test e + 150mg eq + 100mg tren ace eod = 525 test e 525 eq 350 tren ace /wk

30mg dbol preworkout OR 25mg anadrol preworkout ( 25mg as I have never used anadrol before)

30mg mk-677 ed dosed all at once within 20min of waking
Thinking about possibly adding cjc-1295 DAC into the mix with mk-677 @ 1-2mg e4d
EQ for 8 weeks?

If you want to run an 8 week cycle, you need to use short esters. Test P instead of test E, bold ace instead of EQ, etc.
Not gonna get into the peptide stuff as they're still so "unknown" as far as overall effectiveness is concerned as well as quality....

However, I like tren ace at ~300 and test at ~1G, personally... I do think I would run dbol or anadrol with it, though. If orals aren't your thing, consider adding masteron... A good DHT will go a long way here.
Tren a dose is spot on but I think your test is WAY too high. Especially at 21 yo. No need to run it that high with tren. Let the tren do its thing. Test at 4-500mg is plenty. If you can't grow on that at 21 something is wrong.
Tren a dose is spot on but I think your test is WAY too high. Especially at 21 yo. No need to run it that high with tren. Let the tren do its thing. Test at 4-500mg is plenty. If you can't grow on that at 21 something is wrong.
I concur. Would also choose maybe superdrol/var/tbol over the orals you mentioned. But that's only because I don't enjoy looking like a balloon.
I’d you’re that lean and running tren to stay lean while gaining, I couldn’t see taking drol or dbol. You’ll end up bloated enough that you could have just used NPP and saved your body the tren sides.

I loved high dose test and moderate dose tren like that for growing, but the sides of high test while on tren were insane for me.
How do the two compare? Which would you use in this case? Also, what do you feel about lowering the test dose per Hurricane's suggestion? Thanks.
To grow? I'd run test higher assuming I was running masteron or primo with it....

Dbol is "better" for more mass, but
Is more estrogenic in nature... anadrol is generally best used pre contest, but you can grow nicely with it too. Mg to mg dbol is more potent.
No personal experience with tren a YET. I will be running it in a few weeks but I plan to run test lower than tren. I've read tons of people who say keep test lower than tren and let the tren shine and do it's work
No personal experience with tren a YET. I will be running it in a few weeks but I plan to run test lower than tren. I've read tons of people who say keep test lower than tren and let the tren shine and do it's work

Yep. No reason to run test higher than tren, in my opinion. Tren has a higher binding affinity than test. The more test you run, the more you have that is not bound to androgen receptors. This means more aromatization, more conversion to DHT, and overall, more sides.
I'm not hijacking this thread. Just have a quick question. when I run tren a and test p what should I make my beginner dosage? I've never ran tren before. I was thinking 25-50 mg test EOD with 50-75mg tren a EOD
I'm not hijacking this thread. Just have a quick question. when I run tren a and test p what should I make my beginner dosage? I've never ran tren before. I was thinking 25-50 mg test EOD with 50-75mg tren a EOD
My first tren run I started at 40mg Ed and went up to 50mg Ed. You'll be fine starting 75mg EOD. If your ok on it you can even bump it to 100mg EOD.