Critique my next blast

In your experience. Should I do ed or EOD? I've heard both and some think ed has less sides
I've only run Ed bro. I think you could get away with EOD but I had nice runs with tren pinning Ed. I can't answer about EOD because I haven't done it. But in my humble opinion I'd pin Ed. I had some night sweats and acid reflux. That's it though. Prop was 3-350mg. Tren was 3-350mg. Pinned Ed. Never thought an 8 week cycle with such low doses could deliver the results it did.
Alright so I think i've decided: 50mg tren ace 75mg test e 30mg mk-677 ed

525 test e 350 tren ace /wk + 30mg dbol preworkout. arimidex as needed

I'll be injecting IM delts with 1cc 28g 1/2'' slin pins

Anything else need tweaking?
Alright so I think i've decided: 50mg tren ace 75mg test e 30mg mk-677 ed

525 test e 350 tren ace /wk + 30mg dbol preworkout. arimidex as needed

I'll be injecting IM delts with 1cc 28g 1/2'' slin pins

Anything else need tweaking?
That actually looks ok. I don't love the fact that your 21 and doing this. But that's a solid cycle with good doses.
That actually looks ok. I don't love the fact that your 21 and doing this. But that's a solid cycle with good doses.
Honestly I completely agree. I do not advocate the use of AAS at my age. I actually started at the age of 18. Guess i'll get what's coming to me sooner or later :eek:
Hurricane if you don't mind me asking, when did you start aas or how long have you? I followed your hospital thread and glad you're doing well and recovering man!

If you don't want to answer I completely understand!
Hurricane if you don't mind me asking, when did you start aas or how long have you? I followed your hospital thread and glad you're doing well and recovering man!

If you don't want to answer I completely understand!
Don't mind at all bro. I turned 28 during my first cycle. Just supertest 250. That was a Mexican version of Sustanon. 750mg for 14 weeks. Also LOTS of stimulants when deployed. Ran 3 cycles from age 28-30. The other 2 we're 16 weeks. Sustanon with masteron, And Sustanon, masteron, tren. Didn't run a cycle again until 37. Was still doing stimulants throughout. Next 3 cycles we're sust with mast, one included tren. My last cycle actually. I was 39. I'm 40 now. So 6 cycles in all. Besides the tren cycles my test was always 750mg per week or higher. Mast at 6-700mg per week. Never over 400mg per week with tren. Was still doing stimulants. Now I'm done for good(obviously). No stims. Nothing. I never mind answering questions bro. Especially if it keeps any of you a little safer. HC.
That really make me want to quit stimulants altogether. I don't use them but maybe one sometimes twice a week but definitely been considering dropping them completely forever after seeing so many bad things it can cause

Thanks for the reply and truthful answer man! Really makes me and hopefully others open their eyes
That really make me want to quit stimulants altogether. I don't use them but maybe one sometimes twice a week but definitely been considering dropping them completely forever after seeing so many bad things it can cause

Thanks for the reply and truthful answer man! Really makes me and hopefully others open their eyes
Absolutely bro. No problem. Be careful with those stims. HC
Don't mind at all bro. I turned 28 during my first cycle. Just supertest 250. That was a Mexican version of Sustanon. 750mg for 14 weeks. Also LOTS of stimulants when deployed. Ran 3 cycles from age 28-30. The other 2 we're 16 weeks. Sustanon with masteron, And Sustanon, masteron, tren. Didn't run a cycle again until 37. Was still doing stimulants throughout. Next 3 cycles we're sust with mast, one included tren. My last cycle actually. I was 39. I'm 40 now. So 6 cycles in all. Besides the tren cycles my test was always 750mg per week or higher. Mast at 6-700mg per week. Never over 400mg per week with tren. Was still doing stimulants. Now I'm done for good(obviously). No stims. Nothing. I never mind answering questions bro. Especially if it keeps any of you a little safer. HC.

What kind of stims if you don't mind me asking? I used to do coke and meth years ago myself.
Don't mind at all bro. I turned 28 during my first cycle. Just supertest 250. That was a Mexican version of Sustanon. 750mg for 14 weeks. Also LOTS of stimulants when deployed. Ran 3 cycles from age 28-30. The other 2 we're 16 weeks. Sustanon with masteron, And Sustanon, masteron, tren. Didn't run a cycle again until 37. Was still doing stimulants throughout. Next 3 cycles we're sust with mast, one included tren. My last cycle actually. I was 39. I'm 40 now. So 6 cycles in all. Besides the tren cycles my test was always 750mg per week or higher. Mast at 6-700mg per week. Never over 400mg per week with tren. Was still doing stimulants. Now I'm done for good(obviously). No stims. Nothing. I never mind answering questions bro. Especially if it keeps any of you a little safer. HC.
Do you attribute your health problems to steroid use? Seems like you really didn't use a lot and considering that huge gap of time between use
Do you attribute your health problems to steroid use? Seems like you really didn't use a lot and considering that huge gap of time between use
Yes and no. All my doctor's think AAS and stimulants played some role. To what extent who knows. They do think the stimulants played a larger role. Along with my specific genetics. Bottom line. I think AAS didn't help my situation, but by themselves I'm not sure they would of caused this. In December I will start working with a team of doctors from Pitt University studying abuse of stimulants and AAS in Special Operations. My cousin is a geneticist there and will be the one publishing the study when complete. They're even paying me!! Just to study my fukd up body. LMAO
Yes and no. All my doctor's think AAS and stimulants played some role. To what extent who knows. They do think the stimulants played a larger role. Along with my specific genetics. Bottom line. I think AAS didn't help my situation, but by themselves I'm not sure they would of caused this. In December I will start working with a team of doctors from Pitt University studying abuse of stimulants and AAS in Special Operations. My cousin is a geneticist there and will be the one publishing the study when complete. They're even paying me!! Just to study my fukd up body. LMAO
That's awesome bro. Hopefully the information obtained will benefit future generations. I also need to cut back on the energy drinks and pre workouts!


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