CSO vs Sesame


New Member
Hi guys

I’m interested in experimenting with cottonseed or sesame seed oil for my next home brews.

I’ve really liked using castor oil. Yes it’s super viscous and I suppose on longer cycles it doesn’t matter if absorption and release is slow.

Here is what I have brewed in castor. Only 2/20 ba /bb. No other solvents except for gualcol with winstrol

Various blends, mostly:

test e+ test p 70mg
Primo 125
Tren ace 125-150

Also winny 50mg/ml

Really nice pipless experience into subq. Even with winstrol. Never had this before with MCT brews. I usually need to pin 1.5 inches deep to avoid goofball lumps in subq tissue

However I do miss the kick of faster released compounds. Don’t have the aggression in the gym if running mast p or winny in castor.

this got me thinking maybe there’s an oil that’s slow releasing enough to extend half life by a couple of days , but not as drastic e drastic extension as castor.

I may stick with castor. Def for cruise or TRT+ protocols but interested in exploring with possibly CSO or sesame.

Have you found these two to be similar in terms of

1. How much hormone load they can take with no extra solvents besides BB?

2. Lump causing ?

3. Are they similar to release ? For example have you ever brewed mast p, which typically comes in MCT from UGL. how’s the experience in CSO or sesame ? Less kick ?

4. Ever tried winstrol ? Looks like both oils have 450F smoke point if refined. Which is higher than castor so this maybe better for winny.

Anyway. Just interested in seeing yall pros cons or preferences between those two specific oils.

I’m familiar w castor and MCT and understand their use model but curious with the other two.

Thank you.
Where do you get your castor oil? I’m having a bit of a time with my mig840 test e on trt. I think it’s releases just quick enough to throw off my e2 l. Having a bitch of a time dialing it in…
Where do you get your castor oil? I’m having a bit of a time with my mig840 test e on trt. I think it’s releases just quick enough to throw off my e2 l. Having a bitch of a time dialing it in…

First time I used it I just got it at the supermarket in the baby aisle. They sell food grade that is used and an oral laxative.

But my wife had a bottle of organic one that she got off Amazon (I think ) and I’ve been using that one.

It significantly prolongs the half life of drugs. This may or may not be what you want. For example , the benefit of using it for winstrol brewing is absolute zero PIP. Even into subq (upper glute fat— never pinning oils anywhere else ) The downside is it doesn’t kick in quick
If you want that aggression like pre workout winstrol pins.

Have you tried test prop ? When I stayed TRT and was fatter I aromatized like a mofo. Found that test prop daily pin was easier bcos it didn’t linger in my body as long as cyp. Even with daily pins.

But now I’ve been using enan ester bcos I run primo year round and don’t mind a bit extra aromatization since I run primo pretty high. Between 1.4 and 3x the test.