Custom synthesis

Profit of 1000% matters little when 50 grams get sold in a year, is the manufacturer take on that I'd wager.
If they had done a small Twitter search, I think they would have seen that it's more than that. But still, they would measure the demand better than I could. However, even responding to the demand of a small group of 100-150 people could have been good advertising.
So, what is the maximum cost for this? I also don’t understand this. There is a product that has been talked about so much recently, and no one is willing to take the risk, even with a potential profit of 1000% (I think it’s at least this much). Even if they were left with it, it wouldn't bankrupt them. I assume they have more intelligence about the users of this product than I do. It's being talked about this much for the first time since the 70s and 80s.

As the product becomes more popular, the profit margin will naturally decrease, of course, but still, the first ones will achieve the greatest profitability.

Is the product a secret? Can you tell us what it is?