Customs seizure, more packages already on their way to same address


New Member
I got a letter from customs today stating they have intercepted my package. Ive have read other peoples post and I guess I should not worry about it, just throw the letter away. The problem I have is that I have some other orders that have been already placed being shipped to the same address (my house). Does customs take any further actions after intercepting multiple packages to the same address? Should I worry or will they just keep sending a seizure letter?
PlatinumT said:
I got a letter from customs today stating they have intercepted my package. Ive have read other peoples post and I guess I should not worry about it, just throw the letter away. The problem I have is that I have some other orders that have been already placed being shipped to the same address (my house). Does customs take any further actions after intercepting multiple packages to the same address? Should I worry or will they just keep sending a seizure letter?
I think they will just keep sending letters, my dad had his heart medication seized coming in from Canada. So I wouldn't worry about it. These guys working for customs have a good scam going on, they seize very expensive meds coming into the country then sell it to a local pharmacy @ 1/2 price. Most people don't even get letters they just take it. I sure wouldn't worry about it.
role model said:
I think they will just keep sending letters, my dad had his heart medication seized coming in from Canada. So I wouldn't worry about it. These guys working for customs have a good scam going on, they seize very expensive meds coming into the country then sell it to a local pharmacy @ 1/2 price. Most people don't even get letters they just take it. I sure wouldn't worry about it.

LOL wow, if you are right that is some shit! [:eek:)]
Thanks for the reply Role Model. I am in the US and they are steroids being shipped. Do you still have the same view?
clean house and cop to nothing, even if they have pictures.
Big_paul said:
clean house and cop to nothing, even if they have pictures.
I might agree depending on the quantity and how many packs are on the way.

But at the same time you could get the rest of them.

Your call bro :cool:

So, you can see from the above advice that people have varied opinions/experiences related to customs seizures.
My experiences have been that a couple of years ago I had a pack from an int'l source seized by customs on the West Coast; I received my 'seizure' letter & tossed it. At the time, I was advised not to use the same address to receive any AAS.
Currently, at a different address (and different source), I had a couple of seizures on the East Coast. In both instances, I did not receive a 'seizure' letter...I was able to track the pack from the overseas source to FLA using the tracking number. However, in that instance, the pack just seemed to disappear in FLA. I never received a seizure letter or any other notification. My source resent to the same address & I received it w/o incident. In a more recent case, the pack was confiscated by the overseas customs officials (according to the source, they have worked out some sort of arrangement with the U.S.). The pack has since been resent and made it through the overseas customs & is currently on its way here.
So what this all means is: just because you had something seized doesn't mean (1) you will get a seizure letter & (2) you can't use that address to receive any other AAS.
So, take this information, along with the other previous experiences, and access your situation. If you do get a seizure letter, you can just toss it. Personally, I don't believe you have anything to worry about as long as the quantity of AAS you order indicates personal use rather than distribution.
Ok, fair enough.

Does tracking reflect any telling signs of seizure?
There we go^
No, it will not tell you you package got seized.
It will however sit in customs FOREVER and stay there until you get your letter. At least that's what happened to me.
My current tracking reports it departed a facility hours away a few days ago but hasn't made it anywhere else. Usually takes a day at most. Tomorrow will mark day 3
My current tracking reports it departed a facility hours away a few days ago but hasn't made it anywhere else. Usually takes a day at most. Tomorrow will mark day 3
Well if it said it departed customs and is at a different facility then I'd assume it passed threw customs and they just haven't scanned your package again.
Give it a few there is nothing you can do about it anyways.