cut or bulk


New Member
happy Friday! Was a great pull day today. I am trying to decide my next go here. I am still technically in newb phase. I was a pot head most of my life and just took to body building Jan 2022. Before that I worked out a but in high-school for sports but that was about it. I feel like I made some great progress last year and spent most of the year in a surplus besides three total months at maintenance (spread out after 12 week programs) to give my digestion a break.

I am on week 7 of a 12 week ppl split by Joe Bennet. Really enjoying it and seeing progress every week. Currently eating 3400 cals. 190p 300c and 120fat (based on his inapp tracker and gos)

My smart scale (although not accurate I am sure) says I am 188 at 20%. Pushing for 195ish. I want to keep putting on mass but not sure if I should cut or what to shed some fat and. My gut is telling me to keep going until maybe 210 but worried that'll be too high of bf%. I am 5 foot 10.
Can attach pictures if needed too. Looking for some advice! Really wanting to take my training, food and sleep to next level
@GuerillaPete Thanks for stopping by. I have been going back and forth. I am going to finish this 12 week program out ( on week 8) and then start cutting. I think goinig from 190-170 would be fair. Ideally, what would you think would be a good bf% to shoot for to start bulking again? I have about 13 months of serious dieting and training.
Everybody holds their weight different. Some guys look super jacked at 15%, others look bloated and tubby. If all your fat is in your gut, you've got to drop it.
Everybody holds their weight different. Some guys look super jacked at 15%, others look bloated and tubby. If all your fat is in your gut, you've got to drop it.
That is also super fair. I feel for my weight, height and bf% it does not look bad but mass is the goal but as guerilla pete mentioned I do not want to cross that threshold where it takes to much to cut. I also am pretty new and responded pretty well I think to bulking the last year. I am going to post some before and afters to help give reference I think but overall I think I am going to finish out bulking (4 more weeks) then do 6-8 week cut to see how my body is responding.
Pics for reference to help. Height is 5 Foot 10. Started my bodybuilding journey jan 2022 these are roughly 13 months apart. Started 170ish (not sure what bf% I was) Currently 189lbs at 20%bf according to my smart scale (stalling out)

Currently at 3400 cals 190 protein (thinking about bumping to 200) 300 carb and 120 fat. This is based on an in app tracker that takes in my current stats and goals. Do those macros look good? Seems I am starting to plateau so maybe raise calls by 200 looking at more protein and carbs.

6 day a week PPL currently. Sauna 5x a week
Cardio is minimal besides Sunday run (2 miles give or take) and daily steps walking dog around a lake.

Given this would, is a cut still on table or should I keep pushing cals? Feeling good overall and most lifts are going up


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Sorry bro but you are more than at 20% bodyfat, I would say 25/30% BF.
You're absolutely need to cut, then when you will be at 12/15%BF you can do a nice clean bulk.

If you want to have examples of BF :
@GuerillaPete Thanks for stopping by. I have been going back and forth. I am going to finish this 12 week program out ( on week 8) and then start cutting. I think goinig from 190-170 would be fair. Ideally, what would you think would be a good bf% to shoot for to start bulking again? I have about 13 months of serious dieting and training.
Visible abs is a good reference point.
Cut till you see your abs.
Bulk till you don't see your abs .
Finish your program with a recomp(maintenance calories) maintain this weight until you are ready and start a serious cut.
This is how i would do it personally.
Sorry bro but you are more than at 20% bodyfat, I would say 25/30% BF.
You're absolutely need to cut, then when you will be at 12/15%BF you can do a nice clean bulk.

If you want to have examples of BF :
no need to be sorry man, thanks for the input. Going to finish out the program then run a serious cut.
Visible abs is a good reference point.
Cut till you see your abs.
Bulk till you don't see your abs .
Finish your program with a recomp(maintenance calories) maintain this weight until you are ready and start a serious cut.
This is how i would do it personally.
Thank you, I truly appreciate the insight here. I will go ahead and take your advice finish out the program in maintainence and then run a serious cut.
Thank you, I truly appreciate the insight here. I will go ahead and take your advice finish out the program in maintainence and then run a serious cut.
Your welcome ! Just take your time its a marathon not a sprint follow some of the logs on the forum maybe start your own when you begin cutting and people will help you out and you will be where you want as long as you put in the work and stay on track.
Good luck !