Cutting cycle & diet


New Member
Hello their buddies!

First of all I'd like to thank everyone for creating this amazing community I recently discovered. Lots of useful information and nice people. Kudos to everyone.

First of all I'd like to point out that I am from Spain and it might have a small influence in how we cycle compared to you and whatnot. Also sorry if my english is not Harvard level, I wish :).

To the point.

My stats:

190 lbs
10% BF
30 years old

I plan to do a cutting cycle combined with a 2440 calorie diet that I calculated using this calculator: IIFYM Calculator

As per my macros: 277g of protein, 185g carbs and 65g of fat. Got a nice excel tool to calculate meals in case anyone is interested on it, shoot me a PM with your mail and I will send it to you.

My supplements are: Glutamine, L-Carnitine and BCAAs, Whey protein, CLA, ALA, Flax seed oil, Chromium Picolinate, Casein, multivitamin and amylopectin.

I train 6 days a week. Do my cardio on an empty stomach every morning at a 65%of my max heart rate (around 130 BPM) for about 45 mins.

Train one muscle group a day within the 10-12 rep range.

My cycle goes as follows:

Week 1-4
Test Enanathe 250 twice a week (500mg weekly)
Primobolan 200mg twice a week (400mg weekly)
Winstrol 50mg EOD (150mg weeky)
Proviron 25mg daily

Week 4-8
Test Cypio 250mg twice a week (500mg weekly)
Primobolan 200mg twice a week (400mg weekly)
Trenbolone 75mg EOD (210mg weekly)
Winstrol 50mg EOD (150mg weeky)
Proviron 25mg daily
Clenbuterol starting at 20mcg/daily stacking up to 80mcg/daily

I will also be using arimidex and the usual PCT including Comid, Tamoxifen and HCG.

Any advice / opinion is welcome friends.

Thank you very much and hope you like it!

Big hug from Madrid