Cycle help/opinions

I'm not an expert or veteran when it comes to AAS, it would probably benefit him more to maybe invest his own time into diving into forums like these, increasing his own knowledge opposed to getting it 2nd hand from you. While your intentions as his wife may be pure and good, at the end of the day, he will know his body better than anyone and only he will be able to relate,utilise and make the needed adjustments after he reads through others tips and experiences
You make a valid point, I appreciate that
He didn’t *make* me lol he’s gonna get it with or without my help so I’d rather be involved and make sure he’s doing it safely. I prefer him to be alive lol and I’m just better at doing the leg work when it comes to reading through all this shit. He does not have the patience lol
I definitely respect what you're doing for him but I don't get why he isn't interested in doing it himself.
I enjoy this space, though. I enjoy learning about the drugs, talking about them, taking them etc. Maybe that's why I don't get it.

I also wish I could trust own my wife to relay information at that level.
Not a fuckin chance, over.
I haven’t had the chance to read all the replies, so I apologize if someone has mentioned this already.

In my opinion, it’s fantastic that you’re here seeking information for your husband and taking the time to do your research.

First and foremost, I recommend getting some blood work done to check his markers and ensure everything is in good shape.

Next, it would be beneficial to establish a routine that focuses on getting back into the gym and eating right after a period of falling off track. It would be a shame for him to start using anabolic substances without training or nutrition in place to maximize the benefits.

I’m not certain of your husband’s age, but a more conservative approach to cycling might be wise, especially if he’s not an active bodybuilder or doesn’t aspire to be one.

Consider exploring cycles that incorporate Test, Primo/Mast, and HGH.

I hope you find this helpful!
i dont see why the guy would need bloodwork
not only is his testosterone definately low, but he wants to use steroids and has used them before.
also i would avoid the international sources assuming you are in the U.S

take steroids, control estrogen with a.i , get bloodwork to see estrogen is in range from a.i dose, monitor bloodpressure, take BP medication if its over 120/80
I haven’t had the chance to read all the replies, so I apologize if someone has mentioned this already.

In my opinion, it’s fantastic that you’re here seeking information for your husband and taking the time to do your research.

First and foremost, I recommend getting some blood work done to check his markers and ensure everything is in good shape.

Next, it would be beneficial to establish a routine that focuses on getting back into the gym and eating right after a period of falling off track. It would be a shame for him to start using anabolic substances without training or nutrition in place to maximize the benefits.

I’m not certain of your husband’s age, but a more conservative approach to cycling might be wise, especially if he’s not an active bodybuilder or doesn’t aspire to be one.

Consider exploring cycles that incorporate Test, Primo/Mast, and HGH.

I hope you find this helpful!
Very helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!
i dont see why the guy would need bloodwork
not only is his testosterone definately low, but he wants to use steroids and has used them before.
also i would avoid the international sources assuming you are in the U.S

take steroids, control estrogen with a.i , get bloodwork to see estrogen is in range from a.i dose, monitor bloodpressure, take BP medication if its over 120/80
The fact that you even think someone who has a symptom of low test doesn’t need bloodwork to confirm that or his current baseline to make sure he is healthy to blast or as a baseline for bloods on blast is mind boggling. Don’t bother posting to noobs you’re going to get someone hurt.
Very helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!
You’re going about it the right way. Research compounds, research sources. He needs a plan. What are his goals: lose fat, build muscle, how much of each. Get his training back in point and stick with it for 3-6 months consistently. Bloodwork is paramount to make sure he’s healthy blood wise and as a baseline. If his test is low start small and see how he responds after a few weeks. If he’s consistent with diet and training and feeling good after a few months then he can think about a blast with compounds and dosages based on his goals. Bloodwork again 6 weeks into blast to check gear is working and what ancillary drugs he might need. Having an AI on hand always important.