Cycle help


New Member
Greetings, new around here. 58M looking to get stronger and gain some muscle through some lifting and martial arts. Currently on trt (100mg/wk) and using bpc/tb for healing and various GH secretagogues for recovery and some sleep help. I’ve been doing a lot of reading here and am thinking of starting a cycle or cruise that isn’t overly aggressive but will yield good results. My thoughts are as follows:

Weights and cardio 3x week
Jiu Jitsu 3-4 x week
Double testosterone to 200mg wk
3iu HGh in am then regular secretagogue dose in pm
Addition of another aas, like Primo at half dose of test

Does anyone have any advice or see any issues with this initial plan? I currently do bloodwork regularly and intend to do it again right before starting protocol then checking again about a month later provided i haven’t had any side effects that cause me to halt.

Thanks in advance for your help and expertise on this.