Cycle off HCG while on TRT?

Chris U.

New Member
I take 150-200 mg/week test when not on a bulk cycle. I've been taking HCG for a few years without break to keep my balls decent. Is there any reason to cycle off HCG? I did stop so far for the last 2 weeks and plan on for at least 6 weeks total.
I know this post is similar to my mk677 post (cycling off).
anyone know? I havent seen anything anywhere that says those on TRT should go off it for any length of time
wow- how many people take hcg year round? I mean the only advantage I think would be if you wanted to have kids. I know those that PCT take it toward the end of their test cycle and maybe a few weeks after. I know with me, when taking with test, it makes me break out pretty bad.