Cycle Plan for Fat Loss & Muscle Retention (Feedback Request)


New Member
I’m planning a fat loss-focused cycle while maintaining muscle mass. My goal is to drop ~25-30kg of fat while keeping as much muscle as possible. Below is my planned compound list, dosages, and reasoning. I’d appreciate any feedback, optimizations, or advice before I finalize my order.

Hormonal Compounds (Anabolics & Testosterone)

Testosterone Enanthate150-300mg/week (2x per week injections)Muscle retention, mood, energy, prevents suppression
Anavar (Oxandrolone)10-20mg pre-workoutStrength, fat loss, muscle retention, no water retention

Peptides & Growth Factors

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)6 IU/day (3 IU AM + 3 IU PM)Fat loss, muscle preservation, IGF-1 boost
MK-677 (Ibutamoren)12.5-25mg daily (before bed)Boosts IGF-1, enhances HGH effects, improves sleep & recovery

Fat Loss Enhancers

RetatrutideStart 2mg/week, titrate up to 6-10mg/weekStrongest GLP-1/GIP agonist for appetite suppression & fat loss
ClenbuterolStart 20mcg/day, ramp to 40-60mcg/dayBeta-2 agonist for fat loss, metabolic boost

Estrogen & Hormone Management

Aromasin (Exemestane)12.5mg EOD (adjust as needed)Controls estrogen, prevents water retention & gyno
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)20mg/day during PCTHelps restore natural testosterone post-cycle & HPTA

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) & Recovery

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)500 IU 3x per week (last 2 weeks of cycle)Maintains testicular function & LH stimulation
HMG (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin)75 IU 2-3x per week (PCT weeks 1-2)Restores LH & FSH, better recovery than HCG alone
Enclomiphene12.5mg/day (PCT weeks 1-4)Stimulates LH & FSH, restores natural test faster

Support & Health

Tadalafil (Cialis)2.5-5mg nightlyImproves blood flow, combats potential ED from low estrogen
Dutasteride 0.5mg EODDHT blocker, prevents hair loss from Test/Anavar

Cycle Length & Structure

  • Weeks 1-12: Test E, Anavar, HGH, Retatrutide, Clen, MK-677
  • Weeks 10-12: HCG to prepare for PCT
  • Weeks 13-16: PCT (HMG, Nolvadex, Enclomiphene)

❓Questions for the Forum

  1. Would you keep Test E at 150mg/week or go up to 300mg?
  2. Should I remove Anavar, or is it worth keeping for strength and recomp?
  3. Would MK-677 + 6 IU HGH be overkill, or should I just run HGH alone?
  4. Any suggested adjustments?
Appreciate any feedback! Looking to optimize this for max fat loss with minimal muscle loss.
How are your stats? Age, any experience with anabolics before?
I would keep it as simple as possible: testo, clen and t3.
But depending on your body composition and experience.
It’s very optimistic drop 25 kg in 12 weeks cycle, I guess your goal is in long term, isn’t it?
Mk677 is garbage. Only good for getting an appetite if you don't have one. You don't want an appetite while cutting either so I to the trash it goes
Throw out the enclomiphene. Seriously not needed and can cause eye damage and floaters. Trash as well.
HMG is overkill as well and not needed.
You don't combine growth hormone secretagogues with growth hormone. You pick one or the other or keep them separate
No need to split your dosage of HGH. Just take the whole thing at once before bed or look at Type-IIx's article for HGH and fatloss in the HGH subforum. Better yet get his book. It's fantastic
On that amount of testosterone 12.5mg aromasin EOD will crush your estrogen seriously. Your libido will be gone and joints will ache. I am a high aromatizer and even at 400mg I only need 12.5mg 2x per week to be in low end of range. I could probably go to just one a week.
0.5mg dutasteride EOD is also overkill and will kill your dht and you'll feel terrible. unless you are seriously prone to mpb please don't. I'm not prone to it but when I do get shedding 0.25mg duta every 5 days is plenty

Spend the money you save towards a coach
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Id toss anavar, if you need to lose that much fat then the cosmetic effect anavar brings wont show and you’re just trashing your lipids. Id stick to just test, 4-600mg/week.

Drop the clen, not needed at that level of bodyfat you dont need fat loss aids to drop large amounts of fat.

Drop mk677, 6iu hgh is plenty, save the money

Reta is fine, as others have said theres others where the appetite suppression is supposedly stronger but i dont have much exp with them