Cycle Questions


New Member
I'm about to run 500 mg of sustanon for 12 weeks, I'm kick starting it with test p for the first 3 weeks eod...
I want to know what kind pct should I run..
Also should I use Hcg starting on week 3
Lol, so don't start it till after my 12 weeks of sus is up and start Hcg 10 days before clomid and nova,ok that make sense, so after the 12weeks should I start the Hcg or wait 2 to 3 weeks and then start everything

Run your hCG on cycle as Lightspan suggested. No need to blast anything at anytime if you run it on cycle. And do not kick start with test prop. Save it and include it at the end to reduce your wait time. This will allow you to begin PCT in a few days rather than wait the dreaded 14-21 days for the last ester to clear. Begin hCG week 3 @ 250iu twice per week and run it up to a few days before you begin recovery. If you choose to run your cycle this way you will most likely experience a very smooth transition from on-cycle to recovery.

Good luck.