Cycle to bulk out?


New Member
Finished first cycle of tren,But want to fill in my muscle. Up till now ive trained less hytrophy more strength so for a proper bulk cycle i will be Incooperating a modified german volume program I tailored for myself.

For cycle im thinking

500 mg test cyp
3 dbol a day
250 mg deca
Thoughts on this ?


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you are already looking a bit chunky for a bulk imo, but to each their own.

what is your cycle experience?

what is 3 dbol a day? 50mg 3x a day? 5mg 3x a day?

have you done dbol before?

looks like a bloat lord cycle
you are already looking a bit chunky for a bulk imo, but to each their own.

what is your cycle experience?

what is 3 dbol a day? 50mg 3x a day? 5mg 3x a day?

have you done dbol before?

looks like a bloat lord cycle

Came here to post this exact thing.

Get a little leaner and you’ll have more room to grow and less issues running into estrogen management, mirror dissatisfaction, and potential insulin sensitivity issues as well as making the next cut a lot easier.
you are already looking a bit chunky for a bulk imo, but to each their own.

what is your cycle experience?

what is 3 dbol a day? 50mg 3x a day? 5mg 3x a day?

have you done dbol before?

looks like a easy fox

you are already looking a bit chunky for a bulk imo, but to each their own.

what is your cycle experience?

what is 3 dbol a day? 50mg 3x a day? 5mg 3x a day?

have you done dbol before?

looks like a bloat lord cycle
Noted ,Easy fix I upped that cals recently because I didnt like how lean I was getting dont feel as confident but I'll fix before I bulk.
I'm thinging 30 mg 3x a day for my first dbol cycle .Things to add to cycle?
Injectable doses look fine, nothing egregious. For me personally that’s a lot of dbol and I like dbol I train more for powerlifting. Just as a suggestion maybe ramp into that dose, stay at 60mg for a couple weeks. See how you do with the potential water retention and methyl estrogen from the dbol before going to 90mg, the last couple weeks. If you’re not taking anything already maybe have a BP management protocol in place for the cycle. Test deca dbol is a classic cycle. You should see nice gains man.
I always like to get as lean as possible before I bulk. When I bulk and I’m plus 15 percent bf, it doesn’t feel or like nearly as nice where as if I start at 10 or 12 percent. Even with estrogen dialed in if I’m already relatively heavy I look heavier on a bulk, not more jacked. Don’t get me wrong you’re diet could be absolutely on point, but from my experience, lean out a little more, then go for the bulk
What dosage is your dbol? 10,25,50? Could be a lot. Honestly if you don’t want to cut before this cycle, I would remove the deca and dbol and put mast or primo in instead. Maybe EQ if it agrees with you and you’ve ran before. You’re going to run into blood pressure issues on that cycle if you push bodyweight higher. So either cut down to 10-12% bodyfat then run your cycle, or run test +mast/primo/eq with no orals
Unless you’re running a pretty beefy ai your estrogen will shoot up and you’ll turn into the Michelin Man. I’d cut a bit of Dbol, drop the test down to 300 and add in 300 primo, that way you probably wouldn’t even need an ai. Granted I don’t know how your body handles estrogen conversion from test and Dbol but from a general perspective your cycle could use some tweaking to avoid high estrogen.


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