Whats your worst experience with a Cycle?

For me the receding hairline from Masteron. I accelerated by at least 10 years in the span of 3 months.

The time I tried to frontload 1g of test and got overnight gyno which I still have.

The time I tried to pct and re-injected after 6 weeks off test and having to repeat the whole pct process again. Pure idiot move.

Not using HCG when I should have.

The fact it changes your sexual interests and behaviours is also something that should be seriously talked about more. Lost a great gf on it, I only realised when I came off entirely.

Oh yeah…. Also the emotional instability from tren lol.

Just using gear in general…. I had no business running the stuff and BnC for 2 years straight. Now I just do the rare cycle.

Honestly, I wish I never touched gear. Wasted 2 years of my life.
Dnp. Thought I developed an eating disorder afterwards. I just kept binging nonstop until I returned to my previous body fat . Then the hunger cravings stopped.

Also I had a hoarse voice for a few weeks .
I ran some “mild” prohormones about 12 years ago (when they were super easy to find and plentiful, not that they still aren’t) and I was in some pretty rough pain starting about 3-4 weeks in. Initially we thought it was gallstones because I increased my oil/fat intake but it turned out that, after a blood test (do your blood tests kids), my liver enzymes were sky high and I had liver inflammation. That was some pretty rough pain for a while. Never again. Not AAS but a cycle story nonetheless.
QSC’s lack of labels really sucks sometimes. I was on a 250mg/week TestC TRT cycle that was actually Tren, and I randomly asked an old woman for pictures of her cooter when she messaged me at 4 AM… I woke up with a raging hardon and utter desperation to stick it in someone willing… the weirdest part was she sent me pics and we went at it for a long time… actually, it wasn’t half bad… brb, gonna give her a call.