Whats your worst experience with a Cycle?

I went a bit too hard too fast after dialing in trt and hgh. Added the hcg, then sema, then primo, b12 and my dick died w the libido&got comically ill destroying 3 separate restrooms in a movie theatre, 2 of which were.womens. I seriously felt it was the end of me. Sounds severe but if you've ever lost your dick, you get it. Cut the sema and shits 100% thank fuck.
Either getting a severe oil embolism from pinning eq in my delt. Couldn’t stop coughing, literally couldn’t breathe. Jumped in a cold bath because I thought I was overheating. This lasted for about 20 mins then I felt totally normal.

That or my dumbass using a 3ml barrel with a 31g luer lock, pressing the plunger too hard, and launching the barrel across the room like a rocket with a needle burried in my ass still
That or my dumbass using a 3ml barrel with a 31g luer lock, pressing the plunger too hard, and launching the barrel across the room like a rocket with a needle burried in my ass still
Nice! I have feared that happening as well but never had it go yet.
Crazy dude , can’t believe she was up and gone just like that - I also can’t believe you finished the cycle - lol that’s some dedication man !

I hope in the end it all worked out for you.
If anything it gave me more drive to get shredded tbh. But I lost fat a lot slower then usual I think due to cortisol it was probably sky high.
My first cycle, 500 test, 400 primo 400 boldenone, about 6 weeks in I was having a talking phase with an absolute 5/10 and was literally at the brink of suicidal over this chick, ended the cycle about a month later after I had already been over this girl and one day just realized how fucking dumb is as as my levels balanced again. No more boldenone for me, also lads don't trust 5/10s with nipple piercings, they are always the most ran through
Turns out I’m allergic(?) to MCT/MYG. Spent a few weeks swollen, my blood work was crazy with all my WBC’s elevated. Came off, tried a PCT. Turns out I’m also allergic(?) to enClomiphene citrate. Broke out in blisters and boils and spent two weeks scratching myself half to death.

I’ve been cruising since.
First cycle. Best and worst at the same time.

350 test, 350 deca, 30mg dbol. Quad shots only.

I spent the entire cycle limping around from the quad shots and unable to bend over or stand for any duration due to the lower back pumps. Still grew like a mofo though.

That broken pin story tops all though. That would be a nightmare.
Calf injection left me limping for a week. Missed work, mostly bedridden. I was scared and went to family doc who was way cool about it.

Ironically I read until my eyes bled everything I could about steroids but missed the memo on avoiding calf injections.
My first cycle, 500 test, 400 primo 400 boldenone, about 6 weeks in I was having a talking phase with an absolute 5/10 and was literally at the brink of suicidal over this chick, ended the cycle about a month later after I had already been over this girl and one day just realized how fucking dumb is as as my levels balanced again. No more boldenone for me, also lads don't trust 5/10s with nipple piercings, they are always the most ran through
haha been their
2nd cycle was 700mg tren a. I was a danger to society in the supermarket, in the car wash line, on the roads, at the gym. then I got acne all over my cheeks and didnt leave the house until accutane cleared me up.

3rd cycle 1.2gram deca, made me crazy, moody, clingy, weird, depressed.

I just stick with test now (hence my name).

Even having low or high estrogen is nothing compared to what those two 19nors do to me.

But there are still times in my life that were worse or i made poor decisions due to high or low estrogen.


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