CYP2C19 Ultra Rapid Metabolizer - Anyone else?

I posted this on another forum but wanted to post here as well to see if anyone else also experiences similarities to my situation.

I was given a pharmacogenetics test by my doctor and discovered that I am an ultra rapid metabolizer of the CYP2C19 enzyme which processes a lot of different things. Proton pump inhibitors, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, fatty acids are all in and out of my system incredibly fast. I have to double the dose of Pantaprozole at minimum to get relief for acid reflux. I cannot get high from thc edibles (have eaten up to 1000mg), and I also process codeine and diazepam specifically so quickly as to not even feel the effects unless I take triple the dose.

Well, apparently this enzyme also processes steroid hormones. Here is a link to the study: Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19 and subcortical variability in the human adult brain

I believe this has resulted in me severely underdosing my testosterone during cycles. Does anyone else have this enzyme mutation and how have you seen it affect you and how have you compensated for it?