

New Member
Can somebody tell me about their experience with t3? I am a female so I figured this might be a good forum to post in. Mainly I am interested in the after effects of the cycle. How did your metabolism react and What is the best way to avoid or minimize shutting down your metabolism? Thanks in advance for informing me!
I'm hypothyroid=no thyroid. Tried cytomel. It jacked me up way too high. Gave me tachycardia and the hyper jitters. Lost muscle because it messed me up.
It's best to have your t3 checked to see where you are before you take cytomel. It's pretty potent.
My lady (oh, how romantic) used cytover for cutting, she faced increased appetite, insomnia, but felt good over all. And looked good too.
Can somebody tell me about their experience with t3? I am a female so I figured this might be a good forum to post in. Mainly I am interested in the after effects of the cycle. How did your metabolism react and What is the best way to avoid or minimize shutting down your metabolism? Thanks in advance for informing me!

Cytomel/T3 is a great addition to any fat loss...if done properly... what I noticed works best is if you run it in short bursts of 6-8 weeks max and taper up then down...this way you don't get any rebound and gain the weight back... then take 8 weeks off and hop on again... this along with a solid clean diet and you are golden... the other compound I like running with T3 is helps with maintaining muscle mass so the T3 doesn't burn it or other compounds similar to Albuterol like it's bigger brother Clen.