yes I answered that question with the truth! I decided on the lab from word of a friend. They were not the same lab. I told gotta that at that price I wouldn't run the gear because I could get pcom amps for cheaper. The reason I chose the lab was because of a referral. I told everyone else to not purchase until I had evidence that it was good or bad. I had already paid for a blood draw. I thought I handled everything how i should. I'm not going to defend anything any further than this with you fish. It's funny that you picked a fight last week and I put you in you're place. Then days of silence pass, you think you have a speck of dirt on me and then you fire back up with you shot insults. You are so hung up on my bf%. I have lifted for years, I have a higher bf% I was an o- linemen for years, I have competed in martial arts for over a decade and last year decided I wanted to be a body builder. Just pm me a picture of you crossing the Ohio boarder and then I will speak to you until then I'm done with you sir.