Dealing with accutane sides


New Member
Hey this is my first post so let me know if I’m doing anything wrong.
I’ve started my pretty basic cycle which is also my second one after a horrible 500mg test run without ancillaries to see how I respond, which consists of 375 test per week split into three injections of 125mg or half a cc Monday Wednesday and Friday. I did a 4 week run of 50mg oxymetholone between week 4-8 (had a PL meet during week 7). Been battling with cystic acne since the end of my first cycle (probably the heavy hormone fluctuations as my derm told me) now I’m on accutane 10mg ED and since the first of march 20mg ED. I’ve started my accutane protocol first of December and I’ve been starting to notice pretty heavy mental sides which have not always been there even when E2 was out of range.
Decided to lower my test dose for that reason and the sides are still there.
What is your guy’s opinion or experience with accutane and what can I do to possibly minimize the sides? Should I just pct and go natty or should I just keep going with the accutane?
Also my E2 is currently In range but still high. Sex drive is okay but sometimes I get slight ED if I inject a day too late or early.
Wasn’t really trying to use AI as my current dose keeps me in range but I’d be open to use some if you guys think it’s a good idea.
Currently on week 16 of my cycle and I was planning to stay on just test until 30 weeks and then either come off or cruise (also depending on how I feel since I want this lifestyle to be sustainable). I’m about to restock on test and I wanna know if I should get more ancillaries and which ones if I do. Currently I have arimidex on hand but like I said I’m trying not to use it if my E2 is in range. Bloods are also good other than E2 being slightly high.
when you say mental sides effects do you literally mean signs of mental illness like depression, voices etc? This is a known accutane side effect and a seious one. A derm - which I am NOT - would lower your dose or take you off completely. Personally I would stop. I cannot advise on anything else you take. I know quite a bit about acutane though.
Accutane is rough bro. The sides suck no way to minimize them... I got them whether taking 20mg 40mg 80mg.

Keep a chap stick and use that 10x a day so your lips don’t crack.
Don’t get ANY sun.
Stay very well hydrated.
Take milk thistle/liv 52.

Don’t take any NSAIDS or orals. Just run trt while you do it.

I found 40-80mg to be by preferred dosage to get the sides gone quicker... by being on accutane for less time.

If the mental sides get to unbearable take a month off and do another month. I believe with accutane is cumulative dosage that matters in the long run.
Accutane is rough bro. The sides suck no way to minimize them... I got them whether taking 20mg 40mg 80mg.

Keep a chap stick and use that 10x a day so your lips don’t crack.
Don’t get ANY sun.
Stay very well hydrated.
Take milk thistle/liv 52.

Don’t take any NSAIDS or orals. Just run trt while you do it.

I found 40-80mg to be by preferred dosage to get the sides gone quicker... by being on accutane for less time.

If the mental sides get to unbearable take a month off and do another month. I believe with accutane is cumulative dosage that matters in the long run.
I don’t notice any sides from accutane. Other than the crazy drying out. I wasn’t aware of mental sides. And I was prescribed it as a teen and didn’t avoid the sun. Is that bad? Hell, I tanned at the salon last time I took it.
I don’t notice any sides from accutane. Other than the crazy drying out. I wasn’t aware of mental sides. And I was prescribed it as a teen and didn’t avoid the sun. Is that bad? Hell, I tanned at the salon last time I took it.
Well you are still alive... lol
It just makes you ultra sensitive to UV light.

Also you must be one of the lucky ones... accutane was one of the harshest drugs I’ve taken
Well you are still alive... lol
It just makes you ultra sensitive to UV light.

Also you must be one of the lucky ones... accutane was one of the harshest drugs I’ve taken
in all seriousness I do have a browner/redder/tanner complex than my entire immediate family. Mom, dad and sister. All fair skinned. Blonde/brown hair. So something with my melanin has changed but it happened years ago.
Hey this is my first post so let me know if I’m doing anything wrong.
I’ve started my pretty basic cycle which is also my second one after a horrible 500mg test run without ancillaries to see how I respond, which consists of 375 test per week split into three injections of 125mg or half a cc Monday Wednesday and Friday. I did a 4 week run of 50mg oxymetholone between week 4-8 (had a PL meet during week 7). Been battling with cystic acne since the end of my first cycle (probably the heavy hormone fluctuations as my derm told me) now I’m on accutane 10mg ED and since the first of march 20mg ED. I’ve started my accutane protocol first of December and I’ve been starting to notice pretty heavy mental sides which have not always been there even when E2 was out of range.
Decided to lower my test dose for that reason and the sides are still there.
What is your guy’s opinion or experience with accutane and what can I do to possibly minimize the sides? Should I just pct and go natty or should I just keep going with the accutane?
Also my E2 is currently In range but still high. Sex drive is okay but sometimes I get slight ED if I inject a day too late or early.
Wasn’t really trying to use AI as my current dose keeps me in range but I’d be open to use some if you guys think it’s a good idea.
Currently on week 16 of my cycle and I was planning to stay on just test until 30 weeks and then either come off or cruise (also depending on how I feel since I want this lifestyle to be sustainable). I’m about to restock on test and I wanna know if I should get more ancillaries and which ones if I do. Currently I have arimidex on hand but like I said I’m trying not to use it if my E2 is in range. Bloods are also good other than E2 being slightly high.
Have you tried running doxy first? It may get rid of your acne with less sides.
when you say mental sides effects do you literally mean signs of mental illness like depression, voices etc? This is a known accutane side effect and a seious one. A derm - which I am NOT - would lower your dose or take you off completely. Personally I would stop. I cannot advise on anything else you take. I know quite a bit about acutane though.
No voices, my sides are definitely Depression (like really serious) and some mild Ed which usually goes away if I’m really in the mood.
I’m gonna tell my dermatologist next time I see her and see what she has to say.
Accutane is rough bro. The sides suck no way to minimize them... I got them whether taking 20mg 40mg 80mg.

Keep a chap stick and use that 10x a day so your lips don’t crack.
Don’t get ANY sun.
Stay very well hydrated.
Take milk thistle/liv 52.

Don’t take any NSAIDS or orals. Just run trt while you do it.

I found 40-80mg to be by preferred dosage to get the sides gone quicker... by being on accutane for less time.

If the mental sides get to unbearable take a month off and do another month. I believe with accutane is cumulative dosage that matters in the long run.
Can you maybe explain further in the NSAIDS part? I was just sick for two weeks and was taking up to 1200mg ibuprofen a day.
Hey this is my first post so let me know if I’m doing anything wrong.
I’ve started my pretty basic cycle which is also my second one after a horrible 500mg test run without ancillaries to see how I respond, which consists of 375 test per week split into three injections of 125mg or half a cc Monday Wednesday and Friday. I did a 4 week run of 50mg oxymetholone between week 4-8 (had a PL meet during week 7). Been battling with cystic acne since the end of my first cycle (probably the heavy hormone fluctuations as my derm told me) now I’m on accutane 10mg ED and since the first of march 20mg ED. I’ve started my accutane protocol first of December and I’ve been starting to notice pretty heavy mental sides which have not always been there even when E2 was out of range.
Decided to lower my test dose for that reason and the sides are still there.
What is your guy’s opinion or experience with accutane and what can I do to possibly minimize the sides? Should I just pct and go natty or should I just keep going with the accutane?
Also my E2 is currently In range but still high. Sex drive is okay but sometimes I get slight ED if I inject a day too late or early.
Wasn’t really trying to use AI as my current dose keeps me in range but I’d be open to use some if you guys think it’s a good idea.
Currently on week 16 of my cycle and I was planning to stay on just test until 30 weeks and then either come off or cruise (also depending on how I feel since I want this lifestyle to be sustainable). I’m about to restock on test and I wanna know if I should get more ancillaries and which ones if I do. Currently I have arimidex on hand but like I said I’m trying not to use it if my E2 is in range. Bloods are also good other than E2 being slightly high.
I broke out like a mother fucker a few years ago with the whole not being able to wear a white shirt or I'd have blood spots everywhere. Never had acne in my life before that. I waited for it to heal with the help of Accutane.

Now, I take 20mgs once every 2-7 days. If I start to feel anything coming on I just pop it and it keeps it under control.

If you are mid cycle and you are already fully broken out, then I believe it's much more difficult to get rid of it. So, I have to come off and wait until I'm at baseline and then re-start test, but always keep it handy as Accutane works so fast for me, maybe because naturally I am not not prone to acne.
It's stupid of me but I take MT2 and sun bed on it. Although, I have to press my lips together in the sun bed or they dry out and crack
That’s pretty hardcore bro. I’m a risk taker by nature. And everything I have heard and read has been nothing but good about MT2. But for some reason my spidey senses tell me to steer clear of what seems like a magical substance. Just don’t feel quite right about it. Maybe it seems too good to be true.
Lol. People take mega doses of isotretinoin and they wonder why they're feeling like shit.
Low doses and taking it less frequently is as effective as daily high doses.
Just lower your dose and increase duration of your treatment. Something like 20mg 3 times per week.
Lol. People take mega doses of isotretinoin and they wonder why they're feeling like shit.
Low doses and taking it less frequently is as effective as daily high doses.
Just lower your dose and increase duration of your treatment. Something like 20mg 3 times per week.
I’ve heard others say similar things but for me it’s not accurate.

I weighed 140 lbs at age 16 and was prescribed 60mg accutane per day. Don’t remember how long but it was several months I believe. The oil stayed dried up for over a decade after that and I had crazy, oily skin.

fast forward to my second course in late 30s. I weighed 200lbs and took 20-30mg a day for like 3 months total and it only dried me out for maybe 5-6 months!

so next time I’m going for 60-80mg for some time in hopes that it’s the last time I ever n to use it. It’s absurd having oily skin at 42 like a damn teenager.