Deca and dbol only cycles?


New Member
What is your experience with the above cycle? Npp would be what i use instead of testosterone, dbol is a source of estrogen as well providing some mucle but more importantly huge strength gains.

And i would not use deca i would use npp since its shorter acting, pinning daily.

I dont want hair loss or have to use an Ai, hence why npp and dbol (which was used in the (50s to 80s). Also test has huge water retention.

Testosterone is cheap which is why it's recommended,also steroid dealers make the most profit on testosterone.

Meanwhile most "bodybuilders" are bald, have terrible skin and don't even look like they lift.

So much for "test is best bro! "
It can work, by adding in some dht derivative like primo or anavar it would be better.

Since you're concerned about hair loss, I assume you're prone, why you think dbol is hair safe?

Also NPP instead of deca, less water bro science or for shorter cycle?

Testosterone is cheap which is why it's recommended,also steroid dealers make the most profit on testosterone.
Incorrect, most do tolerate and handle testosterone very well, it is bioidentical hormone, proven clinical safety, very well known side effects and newbie friendly.

Meanwhile most "bodybuilders" are bald, have terrible skin and don't even look like they lift.
They're only bald if they're prone to MPB, what do you mean by terrible skin and more so don't even lift part I'm not sure...

So much for "test is best bro! "
At this point, I think you're either trolling or you need to gain a bit more knowledge before you do your proposed cycle.

Do whatever you want, it's just my opinion.

But for most of us test is best!
It can work, by adding in some dht derivative like primo or anavar it would be better.
I can add winstrol later for the hardening effect
Since you're concerned about hair loss, I assume you're prone, why you think dbol is hair safe?
Dbol rarely causes hair loss without test, also a source of estrogen is required.
Also NPP instead of deca, less water bro science or for shorter cycle?
Shorter cycles (6 weeks)
Incorrect, most do tolerate and handle testosterone very well, it is bioidentical hormone, proven clinical safety, very well known side effects and newbie friendly.
It wasn't used back in the golden era for a reason, it's a, "dirty" steroid.
They're only bald if they're prone to MPB, what do you mean by terrible skin and more so don't even lift part I'm not sure...
Testosterone ages you, most men will have some hair loss by late 20s, so why accelerate that? If a man injects 10x the amount of testosterone his body naturally produces he will speed up hair loss no doubt.

Most bodybuilders have rough skin.

At this point, I think you're either trolling or you need to gain a bit more knowledge before you do your proposed cycle.
Im not trolling
Do whatever you want, it's just my opinion.
But for most of us test is best!
If that's what you want fair enough
I'm using high test for more than 7 years now. My head is full of hair and my skin is clear as a baby.
My point is that hairs fall out because we wash them so much with all those shampoos !!

My girlfriends dad is around 80 years old and he have a head full of hair !!! I asked for his secret and told me.
Don't wash your fucking head with shampoo everyday and if you want a shampoo better go get Johnsons "no more tears" the baby shampoo it has only chamomile in it.
I'm telling you guys 3 years now I follow high advice and my hair never falls even with high test with dhts you name it !!
The irony was when I was younger and didn't use high test dosages or dhts my hair would fall off!
But after switching to not wash them everyday but even if I do I use Johnsons my hair are better than ever !!
His reasoning was that shampoos has all kind of chemicals that makes the hair fall and he was right.!!!

To op: it should work every cycle works even without test and most probably your libido is going to be fine.
If I was you I would swap dbol for drol I would add masteron or proviron.
And if I still need some e2 I would pop 10mg dbol every 2nd every 3rd day
Tried the deca only cycles have spoken with taein in the past.

nothing beats high test for overall mass and feeling good control estro and you are good people think ai are so bad these days if you want to be big then face the facts test Is king

If health is the goal trt

Deca dbol cycles aren’t good and not ideal and I did them for years due to the fact I could never use a test without extreme pip until I found gso sesame oil
Tried the deca only cycles have spoken with taein in the past.

nothing beats high test for overall mass and feeling good control estro and you are good people think ai are so bad these days if you want to be big then face the facts test Is king

If health is the goal trt

Deca dbol cycles aren’t good and not ideal and I did them for years due to the fact I could never use a test without extreme pip until I found gso sesame oil
He seems like a jack ass/dumb ass overall and tries to go against the norm for viewership.

Him gaining an x amount of muscle from deca only is pathetic. Just a water balloon
He seems like a jack ass/dumb ass overall and tries to go against the norm for viewership.

Him gaining an x amount of muscle from deca only is pathetic. Just a water balloon
He just loves high amount of insulin to blow up with water and become insulin resistant and deca dbol for hair friendly lol

Not ideal imo
Tried the deca only cycles have spoken with taein in the past.

nothing beats high test for overall mass and feeling good control estro and you are good people think ai are so bad these days if you want to be big then face the facts test Is king

If health is the goal trt

Deca dbol cycles aren’t good and not ideal and I did them for years due to the fact I could never use a test without extreme pip until I found gso sesame oil
How much deca did you use? Mike mentzer built his physique off of npp.

What is your definition of "big"? I don't want to be an open bodybuilder, golden era physique is my goal.

I won't touch deca, npp is better.

Btw your gear was likely highly underdosed, nowadays due to hplc testing we can purchase high quality steroids.

However i appreciate your insight, if i were to use test it would be test propionate.
I stumbled across his content, what's wrong with npp only or npp and dbol cycles?
They used to do it back in the past but there is a reason we dont do it that way anymore. Taeian has a cult following and while some people may tolerate it well, it seems kind of dumb.. Not everyone likes nandrolone solo.
You never hear about someone getting huge off of nandrolone only cycle.

You can go ahead and give it a try. Start a log, maybe you can be one of the people that changes a majority of our minds. Overall HRT has always been test as it is bio-identical.
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If you aren’t HIGHLY sensitive/predisposed to MPB and extreme acne there’s literally no reason to run a deca base cycle.

This question comes up, we hear all about the positives, 1/100 people who try it do well and keep doing it.

But you are clearly asking only for a validating answer, so go do it and prove us wrong. Log it.
I'm running 1g deca with 200mg maste pw only (no test) My joints feel good. I feel good. Libido is decent not great but i can bust a nut everyday no problem. On high test i can go 3x per day. No bloat. No sides really. Except for me everytime i run nandrolone it makes my nips hurt bad. So this will be my last time using nandrolone. I do like it more than test. Makes me look pretty big with any extra bloat. Mast is also keeping the water down.
How much deca did you use? Mike mentzer built his physique off of npp.

What is your definition of "big"? I don't want to be an open bodybuilder, golden era physique is my goal.

I won't touch deca, npp is better.

Btw your gear was likely highly underdosed, nowadays due to hplc testing we can purchase high quality steroids.

However i appreciate your insight, if i were to use test it would be test propionate.
The other guys have stated it test just can’t be beat

when I did it 600-900mg is what I did lack of libido even with dhn horomone and dbol for raised estrogen or a mast added just wasn’t mentally as good as test less drive not is big

Mike probably used test

biggest bodybuilder in the 70s/80s greig monson used test dbol deca anadrol this was the 70s80s

3 part video on YouTube he speaks off it on one of these


So no question test was used