Deca dick


New Member
I'm planning to add deca to my indefinite steroid cycle which consists of moving from one combination of steroids to another. I'm concerned about the deca dick side effect.

What causes that problem, elevated prolactin and progesterone or suppression of DHT? If I use a testosterone base of 300 mg of testosterone per week, will I still get deca dick?

The deca dose I'm planning to use is 300 or 400 mg a week. I want to start with such a low dose to see if it will cause any prolactin issues. If it doesn't, I will increase it.

But please, tell me more about deca erectile dysfunction and how exactly to prevent it.
I’ve never gotten it no matter what, but people most often say “make sure you’re test is the same or higher mg per week than nandrolone”
Everyone is different. It’s really hard to give advice on this type of question. I’ve never had issues with nandrolone. I always run test lower with no issues. In fact my first cycle was Deca only with zero issues. Many others would have issues doing that. You’ll have to try it and see how you respond.
I’ve never gotten it no matter what, but people most often say “make sure you’re test is the same or higher mg per week than nandrolone”
Everyone is different. It’s really hard to give advice on this type of question. I’ve never had issues with nandrolone. I always run test lower with no issues. In fact my first cycle was Deca only with zero issues. Many others would have issues doing that. You’ll have to try it and see how you respond.
Okay, guys. But is it reduced DHT or elevated prolactin and progesterone that cause the side effect?
But is it reduced DHT or elevated prolactin and progesterone that cause the side effect?
Individual response. That's were "bro science" and experience comes into play. IF you experience it, add a DHT derivative. If that doesn't work, draw bloods and test for prolactin and e2 and go from there. You have to nail what works for you as an individual.
Test base + DHT + 19nor, example; Test + Primo or Mast + Deca or NPP. A combination of higher Test, with moderate DHT, and lower 19nor seem to work well for *most* people (e.g. 300 Test, 200 Primo, 100 Deca). Another example is a 1:1 of your Test + DHT and half those dosages with a Nandrolone (e.g. 200 Test, 200 Mast, 100 NPP). Any of these numbers can be played around with to find what works best for you. 1:1 of all compounds works for some as well. Add 2-4iu, or more depending on if you're blasting or cruising, of hGH on top and you're set, and maybe some hCG if you want to.

The biggest thing here is going to be bloodwork and not "feels", unless you have vast experience with these compounds and know how you react to them.
Never got dick issues. However mental sides were present on deca, npp was better overall. I'd be careful with that 'indefinite' cycle of yours, there's a reason we cruise or come off. If it was a free ride then most of us would permablast. Take care.
Deca with test seems to be a major contributor. Run deca solo and no deca dick. I ran it(NPP @ 700mg) with dbol and no test and never had deca dick or sides. Before that I ran test at 500mg and tried to add npp at 100mg and just 3 days in my nips were on fire. So at least for me I can't combine test and nandrolone without issues. I'm still considering in the future trying test with mast or primo and trying to add in NPP again at a low dose to see if I have the same issue
I'd be careful with that 'indefinite' cycle of yours, there's a reason we cruise or come off. If it was a free ride then most of us would permablast. Take care.
It will be indefinite for now. I think it will continue around 2 years. The cruise dose I'm planning will be at least 300 mg of testosterone a week. That dose will be enough to help me maintain muscle mass (catabolism suppression) while I don't take any other steroids.

Cycles can be indefinite safely if blood works don't show problems. Example: If I'm using a hepatoxic steroid and my liver enzymes aren't elevated or significantly elevated, why should I use that steroid for an indefinite period of time?
I’ve always done 2:1 test to npp or deca and never had an issue. Also never had any “mental sides” from deca personally…. Only tren…. Like people have said only real way to find out would be to get experiment and get blood work. Everyone reacts differently . Seems if you keep your estrogen in check your prolactin usually doesn’t get super jacked up from my personal experience.
I’ve never gotten it no matter what, but people most often say “make sure you’re test is the same or higher mg per week than nandrolone”
The old motto when it came to deca was at least double in test. For example, if you’re going to do 300mg of deca, make sure you do at least 600mg of test.

For me, I don’t use deca much anymore not just because of deca dick, I didn’t really have that problem. What I don’t like about it is the severe testicular atrophy. I mean every steroid has that effect to some extent but deca made my balls basically suck up to like the sides of my cock. I don’t enjoy that feeling at all and it’s too much of an unpleasant side to me deca worth while. Just my opinion
Test prop helped me out a lot on top of my regular ester (test e) I would inject 50mg or so and that would usually fix things pretty quick
The old motto when it came to deca was at least double in test. For example, if you’re going to do 300mg of deca, make sure you do at least 600mg of test.

For me, I don’t use deca much anymore not just because of deca dick, I didn’t really have that problem. What I don’t like about it is the severe testicular atrophy. I mean every steroid has that effect to some extent but deca made my balls basically suck up to like the sides of my cock. I don’t enjoy that feeling at all and it’s too much of an unpleasant side to me deca worth while. Just my opinion
Interesting! I only got that dying balls feeling when I started TRT. They’ve been long dead since.

Honestly you can take my balls for all I care. literally the worst most inconvenient spot on the body to put those things. That’s up high on my list of questions when I meet my maker.
I’ve never gotten it no matter what, but people most often say “make sure you’re test is the same or higher mg per week than nandrolone”
I got deca dick with less Deca than Test.

I think it’s supposed to be half? So, 500/250.
For me, I don’t use deca much anymore not just because of deca dick, I didn’t really have that problem. What I don’t like about it is the severe testicular atrophy. I mean every steroid has that effect to some extent but deca made my balls basically suck up to like the sides of my cock. I don’t enjoy that feeling at all and it’s too much of an unpleasant side to me deca worth while. Just my opinion
Man, deca made my usually big balls small as hell.

I went to get a testicular ultrasound and they said my balls were normal sized. Clomid brought them back.
Im running 500sustanon and 400deca a week 9 weeks now, dont really see diference between dick quality same my wife, never was a problem in you read everybody is different, make sure your diet is clean food too, drink a lot of water and sleep enough.
Planning to go 500sus 250deca in 3 weeks.
Its not a joke to say try deca, takes 3-4weeks to kick in and takes weeks to go out from system in case you dont like it.
Hope it helps