Deca dick

I’ve read so much about this topic over the past decade. Info has really come along way. If you’ve never run deca before I would consider some alternative because 19-nors are just so suppressive to the HPTA. Very long half life elimination times because of the decanote, if that’s what you’re running, and even NPP will suppress you forever because of the metabolites of nandrolone that linger. Now it seems you’re B&C’ing or that you’ll go back to exogenous test after at a cruise dose which imo is smart/correct practice. I believe deca 5 - alpha reduces to DHN… DHTest is not a by product of Nandrolone. DHT can be further metabolised to Neurosteroids which have potent antianxiety and antidepressant effects. DHN does have similar metabolites, but lack these pharmacology. Test alongside Deca causes increased aromatase expression, I believe. Someone else can check this afterwards but I’m fairly certain the two used concurrently increase e2 quite a bit. Also be careful of the dopamine agonists people like to take with this, Caber & Prami etc. Think they can have some pretty deleterious side effects themselves. Be safe Brotha!
I’ve read so much about this topic over the past decade. Info has really come along way. If you’ve never run deca before I would consider some alternative because 19-nors are just so suppressive to the HPTA. Very long half life elimination times because of the decanote, if that’s what you’re running, and even NPP will suppress you forever because of the metabolites of nandrolone that linger. Now it seems you’re B&C’ing or that you’ll go back to exogenous test after at a cruise dose which imo is smart/correct practice. I believe deca 5 - alpha reduces to DHN… DHTest is not a by product of Nandrolone. DHT can be further metabolised to Neurosteroids which have potent antianxiety and antidepressant effects. DHN does have similar metabolites, but lack these pharmacology. Test alongside Deca causes increased aromatase expression, I believe. Someone else can check this afterwards but I’m fairly certain the two used concurrently increase e2 quite a bit. Also be careful of the dopamine agonists people like to take with this, Caber & Prami etc. Think they can have some pretty deleterious side effects themselves. Be safe Brotha!
Even if HPTA suppression is permanent, I don't really care. When I started using steroids, I already knew I'm gonna do this for life and will stay on TRT doses when I'm not on a cycle, even if I can do a PCT and recover my natural testosterone production.

I don't really care about my reproductive capabilities at this point, if that's what you mean.

I have read some stories of people who used cabergoline and said they got a permanent prolactin suppression and that prolactin continues to be suppressed even a decade after they stopped using it. If these stories are true, I don't think I should risk by using cabergoline... I would rather use a deca dose that won't cause very elevated prolactin.
If I use a testosterone base of 300 mg of testosterone per week, will I still get deca dick?
I’ve never experienced any ed running up to a gram of npp with trt dosages of test. Plenty of guys would prolly feel like shit with a ratio like that and prefer 2:1 test deca. I already aromatize a lot and would prolly have a bad time on more test than deca. I’d imagine both the lack of dht and elevated prolactin/e2 could cause dick issues. You just have to figure out what ratio works best for you. Also if you’ve never used nandrolone before I’d use npp over deca.
Even if HPTA suppression is permanent, I don't really care. When I started using steroids, I already knew I'm gonna do this for life and will stay on TRT doses when I'm not on a cycle, even if I can do a PCT and recover my natural testosterone production.

I don't really care about my reproductive capabilities at this point, if that's what you mean.

I have read some stories of people who used cabergoline and said they got a permanent prolactin suppression and that prolactin continues to be suppressed even a decade after they stopped using it. If these stories are true, I don't think I should risk by using cabergoline... I would rather use a deca dose that won't cause very elevated prolactin.
How old are you ?
Sorry for quoting this topic.. BUT :

I used to have small testicles when I only had testosterone. Now with deca and the testicles are considerably lowered and bigger. Does nor substances do this to others as well ?
Libido is also good.

I'm confused... In a good way!
Okay, guys. But is it reduced DHT or elevated prolactin and progesterone that cause the side effect?

Like people have mentioned the response is individual specific but the first time I ran a deca only cycle I did run into deca dick along with some other mild brain funkiness.

This could be broscience, but how I had it explained to me by someone was that Nandrolone converts to dihydronandrolone and competes for the DHT receptors which can cause issues in some as it doesn't serve the same purpose as DHT itself.The addition of a DHT based compound, primo for me, resolved the issue within about 2 weeks.

Haven't run a deca only cycle since, I usually add in NPP at 100mg/week during my bulk because it makes me knees feel like they're 20 years old again.