Deca for glucose control


Hi folks

Does anyone run deca and notice that your BG is decreased with this compound ?

Just wanted to share my experience and am curious if others observed it as well.

Couple of things to note in my case
- T2D , which I manage w slin
- I wear a CGM so monitor my BG
- the reduction doesn’t happen when I run NPP, only deca
- Reduction only happens for about a day or two post pinning so if I want the BG benefits I’d either have to split entire weekly dose or save a small dose to do weekly (ie pin most of it 1-2 x per week and pin 10mg or so daily.

The only other AAS where I’ve experienced it in sinking my BG is winstrol , esp when pinned. Eg. Pinning 50mg can drop my BG up to 100 points , like 170+ to 70 fairly quickly (under an hour ), which is much faster than other winny effects like CNS stim oe strength (those typically take 2h for me )

Of other AAS I’ve run none of them affect my BG, including test, tren , mast , var

//// edit. Just want to add that I’m not advocating using deca for BG control but if you do use it just be aware of this possible effect , esp if you’re diabetic. You may need to adjust your diabetic protocol
Quite the opposite with me..... It might have something to do with the fact that it makes me eat like nothing else ...especially carbs :D
No, not for me.

Probably cuz I eat more, when ever I add anything to my Trt, and have become heavily dependent on slin for control.

Sure, I'd be healthier lighter.... It just isnt my "look"
nandrolone always gives me that low sugar type of feeling so I’d eat more whenever that hypo state strikes BUT last time it happened straight after a meal which was cream of rice 50g with protein and honey so I quickly jabbed my finger to test BG and it was 181 !!!!! And no I’m not diabetic.. those nor19 steroids are their own nish either they good with you or they will find a way to fuck with you.
Hi all. Couple of updates

- the blood glucose drop doesn’t happen every day if I pin twice a week. Essentially just same and next day post pin

- I brewed my own deca in castor oil and I haven’t experienced noticeable drops in BG since switching from UGL brew (MCT) castor is truly an excellent carrier oil to make things slow burning
Hi folks

Does anyone run deca and notice that your BG is decreased with this compound ?

Just wanted to share my experience and am curious if others observed it as well.

Couple of things to note in my case
- T2D , which I manage w slin
- I wear a CGM so monitor my BG
- the reduction doesn’t happen when I run NPP, only deca
- Reduction only happens for about a day or two post pinning so if I want the BG benefits I’d either have to split entire weekly dose or save a small dose to do weekly (ie pin most of it 1-2 x per week and pin 10mg or so daily.

The only other AAS where I’ve experienced it in sinking my BG is winstrol , esp when pinned. Eg. Pinning 50mg can drop my BG up to 100 points , like 170+ to 70 fairly quickly (under an hour ), which is much faster than other winny effects like CNS stim oe strength (those typically take 2h for me )

Of other AAS I’ve run none of them affect my BG, including test, tren , mast , var

//// edit. Just want to add that I’m not advocating using deca for BG control but if you do use it just be aware of this possible effect , esp if you’re diabetic. You may need to adjust your diabetic protocol
If you want glucose control go for 25mg Jardiance and 2mg+ Retrarutide