Deca indigestion.

It's almost convincing as an explanation, until you look at the lack of association with nandrolone and hypercalcemia (as opposed to uncoupling of bone resorption and formation), not to mind the lack of a nexus between MSG's symptoms and those of GI problems associated with hypercalcemia (anorexia/appetite loss, nausea/vomiting, constipation, dehydration, excessive thirst).

Rather, I think the explanation lies here: Androgens and acid reflux, peptic ulcer
It's almost convincing as an explanation, until you look at the lack of association with nandrolone and hypercalcemia (as opposed to uncoupling of bone resorption
Thats what a Dr said, there is absolutely no associate between Nandrolone and hpercalcemia

and formation), not to mind the lack of a nexus between MSG's symptoms and those of GI problems associated with hypercalcemia (anorexia/appetite loss, nausea/vomiting, constipation, dehydration, excessive thirst).

Rather, I think the explanation lies here: Androgens and acid reflux, peptic ulcer
I just did a search bc ive been getting super stomach bloat since i started npp. Its been getting worse to where i just but a laxative supository and it really dident help much. Anyone have any ideas or any expierence with the same issue?
I just did a search bc ive been getting super stomach bloat since i started npp. Its been getting worse to where i just but a laxative supository and it really dident help much. Anyone have any ideas or any expierence with the same issue?
What do you mean by bloat? Gas? Water retention?

Time to get on that sinethicone bro. Most underrated medication with no toxicity associated with it
Feels like gas or shit. Ive been taking little rabit poops all week. Now my stomach is to the point where i want to throw up when i eat bc i feel so bloated.

I took a suppostory laxitive and barley anyything came out. I went and bought prune juice and senna lax after word. So im debating on what other options i have other then go to the dr
I was just thinking this on my cycle. I attributed it to my hunger being so much more intense I'm "overeating" in meals. Like every meal I feel I need to lay down or apply for a spot on my 600lb life for the way I breath to handle it lol
Feels like gas or shit. Ive been taking little rabit poops all week. Now my stomach is to the point where i want to throw up when i eat bc i feel so bloated.

I took a suppostory laxitive and barley anyything came out. I went and bought prune juice and senna lax after word. So im debating on what other options i have other then go to the dr
Need more fiber, brother. All the chicken and rice is stopping you up.