Deca only cycle

Bc a lot of us, me included, simply can not combine testosterone with nandrolone at any dose without major side effects on mood or gyno, ect. It's backwards from your example but the whole reason I tried a nandrolone only cycle was bc I was running a trt dose, 150mg, and wanted to add in nandrolone for some joint relief. I injected 33mg npp and the next day my nipples were on fire. I just can't combine the two. Now I did read someone had success running 50mg test with high nandrolone but I haven't tried it bc I probably just won't use nandrolone again. I just didn't like how I felt on the npp base cycle i ran and quit after a month to go back to testosterone
I believe there was a log here and multiple logs on ASF of members running deca alone quite some time ago with decent results.

Not something I would do but to each their own.

Dont disregard your own personal experience on combining nandrolone and test regardless of anyone on the forums trying to convince you it is impossible that your issue is due to the combo of the two in YOUR instance.

The truth is absolutes are quite rare in this game and no one can possibly know for sure that what you believe to be the issue in your experience can not possibly be the issue.

Until you can figure out what the issue actually is, the best solution is what you already stated, probably not using the nandrolone again, although I believe you should swap 'probably' with 'definitely.'
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I believe there was a log here and multiple logs on ASF of members running deca alone quite some time ago with decent results.

Not something I would do but to each their own.

Dont disregard your own personal experience on combining nandrolone and test regardless of anyone on the forums trying to convince you it is impossible that your issue is due to the combo of the two in YOUR instance.

The truth is absolutes are quite rare in this game and no one can possibly know for sure that what you believe to be the issue in your experience can not possibly be the issue.

Until you can figure out what the issue actually is, the best solution is what you already stated, probably not using the nandrolone again, although I believe you should swap 'probably' with 'definitely.'
Its dumb, we dont advocate for any other compound to be ran without testosterone, and we have zero evidence of using deca as testosterone replacement, it just doesnt make sense.

Now if the conversation is "Can I take deca to build muscle at the cost of health and quality of life because I'm too naive or young to manage testosterone" sure.

If someone is so desperate to build muscle and so unable to control testosterone side effects, that they'll willingly be low testosterone to grow their biceps, they have issues.

If someone has hair loss, take finasteride/dutasteride, because t hey wont have DHT on deca anyway.
If you have acne control estrogen
if you have estrogen problems take a.i
if you have problems with A.I get bloodwork

--i think alot of guys just dont get bloodwork or let their e2 run high and think theyre allergic to testosterone.

--- or crash their e2 and think A.I s are terrible.

----Or they have gno because they dont get bloodwork at all and go up and down.

------ Or hyperfixate on their hair and think theyre going bald overnight.

----Or havent even touched gear yet because theyre super nervous, yet want to take steroids because theyre very insecure.

I think wanting to run deca only is a symptom of something else.

Not only will people have Low testosterone mental effects, but many people get mental side effects from nandrolone itself. so its a double whammy IMO.
It's not the combination of test+nandrolone causing this.

33mg of npp had absolutely zero effect on gyno tissue development in just 24 hours.

Literally every human being on the planet can combine the two. They are both bioidentical hormones.
It's not the combination of test+nand that causes problems for you, AT BEST it's just you are sensitive to nandrolone.
Extremely sensitive. But it's happened both times I tried to add npp while running test. Inject a small amount of npp and 24 hours later itchy nips. I don't know what else to say. First time was with trt dose of test. Second time I tried I was also running 120mg mast hoping that might block the effects of npp on my nips but again 24 hours later itchy nips. But as an experiment I stopped the test and was able to run npp up to 700mg and had zero issues. I should give up on it but I was thinking I may give it I've more try with the masteron a lot higher. I've seen John jewitt put guys on moderate test, high mast, low NPP.
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Its dumb, we dont advocate for any other compound to be ran without testosterone, and we have zero evidence of using deca as testosterone replacement, it just doesnt make sense.

Now if the conversation is "Can I take deca to build muscle at the cost of health and quality of life because I'm too naive or young to manage testosterone" sure.

If someone is so desperate to build muscle and so unable to control testosterone side effects, that they'll willingly be low testosterone to grow their biceps, they have issues.

If someone has hair loss, take finasteride/dutasteride, because t hey wont have DHT on deca anyway.
If you have acne control estrogen
if you have estrogen problems take a.i
if you have problems with A.I get bloodwork

--i think alot of guys just dont get bloodwork or let their e2 run high and think theyre allergic to testosterone.

--- or crash their e2 and think A.I s are terrible.

----Or they have gno because they dont get bloodwork at all and go up and down.

------ Or hyperfixate on their hair and think theyre going bald overnight.

----Or havent even touched gear yet because theyre super nervous, yet want to take steroids because theyre very insecure.

I think wanting to run deca only is a symptom of something else.

Not only will people have Low testosterone mental effects, but many people get mental side effects from nandrolone itself. so its a double whammy IMO.
How can you say we have zero evidence of running deca as a testosterone replacement? There are a large amount of studies done for this exact purpose
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teaeen take your 80 iq somewhere else, youre meant to dig ditches or something , not convince young guys to pay you for hormone advice.

you really made an account to bump an old thread as an opportunity to shill yourself.
I'm not Taeian and I didn't bump this thread. Someone else did. If I mention his Facebook page it's only bc I've visited it and a lot of people seem to enjoy his advice and have good results, including Jordan Peters. I tried an npp base cycle for a month myself but it wasn't for me. I have the same issue with Taeian. He never cites any sources of his evidence. I think he must be on the spectrum with the way he talks. Please don't be a detective/cop because you will ruin someone's life getting the wrong guy. I promise I'm not Taeian. Just and guy trying to point people in the direction of the most deca only information when they ask about it
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I did it back 15 years ago, worst mistake of my life, almost offed myself. Took 2 years to recover
A buddy takes dbol to fix the mental sides. Deca + dbol perma on cruises and blasts. Genius. Such a easy fix and you didnt know about it AHHHH.
(This buddy is here... i am sure of it)
I'm not Taeian and I didn't bump this thread. Someone else did. If I mention his Facebook page it's only bc I've visited it and a lot of people seem to enjoy his advice and have good results, including Jordan Peters. I tried an npp base cycle for a month myself but it wasn't for me. I have the same issue with Taeian. He never cites any sources of his evidence. I think he must be on the spectrum with the way he talks. Please don't be a detective/cop because you will ruin someone's life getting the wrong guy. I promise I'm not Taeian. Just and guy trying to point people in the direction of the most deca only information when they ask about it
Then stop advertising a guy who you say yourself "never cites any sources of his evidence"
youre pulling people into an echo chamber, its literally titled a "cult"

being a noob and getting on deca only and being circle jerked by other idiots even dumber than taeian sounds like hell
Extremely sensitive. But it's happened both times I tried to add npp while running test. Inject a small amount of npp and 24 hours later itchy nips. I don't know what else to say. First time was with trt dose of test. Second time I tried I was also running 120mg mast hoping that might block the effects of npp on my nips but again 24 hours later itchy nips. But as an experiment I stopped the test and was able to run npp up to 700mg and had zero issues. I should give up on it but I was thinking I may give it I've more try with the masteron a lot higher. I've seen John jewitt put guys on moderate test, high mast, low NPP.
Go through that process and think what mechanism could make this possible?

You think the tiny amount of NPP had enough ester cleared in 24 hours and had enough time to spike prolactin or aromatise and cause a spike in estrogen, and then still have enough time to bind to ER in the breast tissue at such a great amount to cause sensitivity?
Go through that process and think what mechanism could make this possible?

You think the tiny amount of NPP had enough ester cleared in 24 hours and had enough time to spike prolactin or aromatise and cause a spike in estrogen, and then still have enough time to bind to ER in the breast tissue at such a great amount to cause sensitivity?
My thought process is that my estrogen is already quite high and borderline gyno/itchy nips territory and the NPP pushes it over the edge since it makes you more sensitive to e2 and raises it as well. I ran p5p proactively both times which didn't help so I really think it's a high e2 issue. I had labs before adding the NPP and I was at 80pg/ml which is out of range but I feel fine at. So next time I try to add it it sounds like I should have my e2 at the lower end of the reference range first. Am I figuring this out finally?
My thought process is that my estrogen is already quite high and borderline gyno/itchy nips territory and the NPP pushes it over the edge since it makes you more sensitive to e2 and raises it as well. I ran p5p proactively both times which didn't help so I really think it's a high e2 issue. I had labs before adding the NPP and I was at 80pg/ml which is out of range but I feel fine at. So next time I try to add it it sounds like I should have my e2 at the lower end of the reference range first
Start with in range. Get bloodwork frequently so that you can make the most informed decision you can
My thought process is that my estrogen is already quite high and borderline gyno/itchy nips territory and the NPP pushes it over the edge since it makes you more sensitive to e2 and raises it as well. I ran p5p proactively both times which didn't help so I really think it's a high e2 issue. I had labs before adding the NPP and I was at 80pg/ml which is out of range but I feel fine at. So next time I try to add it it sounds like I should have my e2 at the lower end of the reference range first. Am I figuring this out finally?

If you have acne control estrogen
if you have estrogen problems take a.i
if you have problems with A.I get bloodwork

--i think alot of guys just dont get bloodwork or let their e2 run high and think theyre allergic to testosterone.

I think wanting to run deca only is a symptom of something else.

So your estrogen is 3-4x higher than the average mans, and you add NPP, get nipple sides effects, then decide you have to run NPP only?
Did you even read my comment? the F? by the way, why are we wanting to run NPP as opposed to ANYTHING else again?

you think youre not supposed to have side effects at 4x normal male estrogen? Because you "feel fine"?

this is the problem with beginners doing this experimentation, they dont have the experience and self awareness to understand how these hormones are affecting them. i guarantee you that you are not "fine" at 80 pg/ml , yet you are spreading B.S other noobs will see and think they are in the same boat as you, that its plausible they dont have side effects at 80 pg/ml, and thats not even the case with you! you just dont know it.

yet youre on here leading guys down a stupid rabbit hole while sitting at 80 pg/ml , looking into obscure reasons for side effects liek your Dr. House, youre exactly the type of guy that falls for this stuff, overlooking basic BASIC stuff because you think youre too smart for it