Deca recovery


New Member
As mentioned in my first post, my first deca cycle was not good ran at 2:1. Prolactin and estrogen were under control but a few weeks in I began to feel the effects, physically felt good started to get stronger but mentally I became very anxious, depressed, and jealous. By week 7 I discontinued, labs showed everything in check besides my total T being 390 and free at 7. After discontinuing I started struggling with deca dick this persisted along with the mental sides two months after.

I’ve done as much digging as I can but what causes this? Do I just not react well to 19nors? Most likely will not ever do another 19nor cycle again but I’m still curious how this happened.
Nandrolone has an influence on the domapin recoptor in the brain this is pretty normal. You can just pair it with masteron that helps. You research is trash this is the most basic shit.
Thanks for the warm welcome. Considering the most I found was basic 5ar info that people went back and fourth on a few sub Reddit's and never really offered solutions besides up the test, I’d say so.
What were, and are you actual dosages and pinning schedule?.
Pre deca 120 cyp every 3.5 days, during 100 cyp/50 deca every 3.5. Clinic raised dose after seeing the low results, recent bloods showed hematocrit and hemoglobin high so I’ve been on 100/3.5 days.

Very annoying being on a mismanaged roller coaster. Feeling almost 100 percent again but just wanna straighten labs out and continue cutting another couple weeks before doing a test blast.
How much test were you on when you took the bloodwork that showed your testosterone at 390? Did you PCT or are you cruising still?
I was on 200 a week, and no pct this was a prescribed cycle through the trt clinic to assist with rehabbing a knee impingement.