DEUSCHEM sells underdosed/bunk gear, my bloods results after 6 week on.


New Member
So as title says, i bought from them 3 packs of TESTOMED C 250 and did 6 weeks on 500mg x week.
After 6 weeks did bloods and these are the results:
natty results.PNG

On their gear:

So i went from 1000 ng/dl natural to just 1100 ng/dl on gear.
Basically i was on an unwanted TRT and didn't know.
Here the gear i bought from them

Don't buy from them.

Here it is also the other topic where i posted my results and need some advice: (Bloods results 6 weeks in, bunk gear?)
Your free test is still trough the roof I guess. Sadly you only tested total testosterone. If I look at your estradiol it's very likely that your free test is sky high.

Anyway, blood work means nothing. If you want to claim it's underdosed then send it to Janoshik.
3 questions:

1.) How old are you? Because I would be riding that 1000 natty train as long as possible.

2.) How do you feel compared to before your first injection. Labs are a tool, but before you go calling out someone for bunk gear without testing the actual gear, how have you changed? Body comp? Strength? Aggression? Socially? etc.. Look at my question this way: If your shoulders are bricking, your bench has gone up 25% and you want to bang the fat girl at Chipotle, then who cares about total T only going from 1000 to 1100. Underdosed? - who knows without testing.

3.) E2 has blown up so you aren't taking a syringe of vegetable oil. Any symptoms? Playing with your own tits yet?
unless you send an amp to get tested, no one will give a flying fuck about a blood test cos they generally prove nothing.
everyone that is taking 400 mg x week of test c and have >2000 test while i'm bascially at natty levels at 500mg.
Even if it's not totally bunk, because of high E2, it has to be underdosed.
Your free test is still trough the roof I guess. Sadly you only tested total testosterone. If I look at your estradiol it's very likely that your free test is sky high.

Anyway, blood work means nothing. If you want to claim it's underdosed then send it to Janoshik.
i tested SHBG and it is actually on the high end of the range.
Albumin is at 58,2 g/dl.
3 questions:

1.) How old are you? Because I would be riding that 1000 natty train as long as possible.

2.) How do you feel compared to before your first injection. Labs are a tool, but before you go calling out someone for bunk gear without testing the actual gear, how have you changed? Body comp? Strength? Aggression? Socially? etc.. Look at my question this way: If your shoulders are bricking, your bench has gone up 25% and you want to bang the fat girl at Chipotle, then who cares about total T only going from 1000 to 1100. Underdosed? - who knows without testing.

3.) E2 has blown up so you aren't taking a syringe of vegetable oil. Any symptoms? Playing with your own tits yet?
1) I'm 31 yo and training since i was 16 yo, i just went on a break in 2020 because of the COVID pandemic, always on a diet etc.

2) Since i began this cycle i didn't have any noticeable change in strenght,weight or body composition, i remember when i was on Pharmacom's gear back in 2016 and it was a different experience for sure.

3) Not a single side effect from high E2, actually i was surprised it wasn't in range.
I did the free test calculation with the SHBG and albumin values and this is the result
so 3.21 ng/dL

am i right if i say, it is actually on the lower end of the normal range?
the high E2 maybe its the 500 ui weekly HCG that is pharma grade.
Is this your first cycle? If not, then what is your normal mg to TT conversion? This is crucial.

Regarding E2; yes, that is the effect of testosterone that you are using, period. And this is probably the cascade of events: you pinned test, it lowered your SHBG, and you had high free test. Test started converting to E2 (99 is very high, you don't get there without very high test, period) and as a response, your body started producing more SHBG. 41 SHBG is normal, but high for being on cycle, fyi. So this means that you are probably a bad converter of testosterone, ie. you need more mg's to get a decent TT level and that you aromatize heavily.

I ask you again, what is your normal response to test: mg's to ng/dl?

Also, when did you draw bloods in relation to pinning?

And third, stop the fucking panic and blunt accusations.
Regardless of shit test to e2 conversion. I have never seen it less than 2x multiplier. Even at a trough.

But I don't feel that they would fake one of the cheapest raws out there.... Atleast from the legit source...

@Deus Pharmaceuticals
Is this your first cycle? If not, then what is your normal mg to TT conversion? This is crucial.

Regarding E2; yes, that is the effect of testosterone that you are using, period. And this is probably the cascade of events: you pinned test, it lowered your SHBG, and you had high free test. Test started converting to E2 (99 is very high, you don't get there without very high test, period) and as a response, your body started producing more SHBG. 41 SHBG is normal, but high for being on cycle, fyi. So this means that you are probably a bad converter of testosterone, ie. you need more mg's to get a decent TT level and that you aromatize heavily.

I ask you again, what is your normal response to test: mg's to ng/dl?

Also, when did you draw bloods in relation to pinning?

And third, stop the fucking panic and blunt accusations.
Read post #5
Is this your first cycle? If not, then what is your normal mg to TT conversion? This is crucial.

Regarding E2; yes, that is the effect of testosterone that you are using, period. And this is probably the cascade of events: you pinned test, it lowered your SHBG, and you had high free test. Test started converting to E2 (99 is very high, you don't get there without very high test, period) and as a response, your body started producing more SHBG. 41 SHBG is normal, but high for being on cycle, fyi. So this means that you are probably a bad converter of testosterone, ie. you need more mg's to get a decent TT level and that you aromatize heavily.

I ask you again, what is your normal response to test: mg's to ng/dl?

Also, when did you draw bloods in relation to pinning?

And third, stop the fucking panic and blunt accusations.

Back in 2016, initially, i didn't have money for bloods, i did only the Bioelectrical impedance analysis and it was clear that the gear was very effective since in 2 months (so even less than the classic 12 weeks) i gained 5 kg of muscles (11 pounds) and lost 3 kg of fat (6.6 punds) with the same amount of gear, from an eye point of view i was clearly improving the aesthetics. (Old thread with pictures: First cycle log;enter to watch me grow(hopefully) and to give me tips!!!)
I also was at a plateau, so it'not like that growth was imputable to the diet, traning etc.

I don't think i can become a bad responder in 6 years?!

I drew bloods 6 weeks in.

I'm not panicking but it seems something is not right.
Of course no one would fake test cyp, would not make much sense.
And in the same time this topic was made, we received complain that client received crashed test cyp.

Easiest way to resolve this would be just to send it to Jano for testing. Because I dont have a good way to explain these blood results.

Of course no one would fake test cyp, would not make much sense.
And in the same time this topic was made, we received complain that client received crashed test cyp.

Easiest way to resolve this would be just to send it to Jano for testing. Because I dont have a good way to explain these blood results.


Do you cover the cost of testing?

If so, OP has no excuse to not get this Jano tested. You can't be making wild accusations and then not following up with a lab test.
Do you cover the cost of testing?

If so, OP has no excuse to not get this Jano tested. You can't be making wild accusations and then not following up with a lab test.

Why should i not get this stuff tested?
If It is all covered i'll send for testing ( i need an explanation on how to do it tought).
It is also good for me to know so i can actually decide what i need to do next, if PCT or not.
Why should i not get this stuff tested?
If It is all covered i'll send for testing ( i need an explanation on how to do it tought).
It is also good for me to know so i can actually decide what i need to do next, if PCT or not.
Get an LH/FSH.... It will tell you if you need to or not
Back in 2016, initially, i didn't have money for bloods, i did only the Bioelectrical impedance analysis and it was clear that the gear was very effective since in 2 months (so even less than the classic 12 weeks) i gained 5 kg of muscles (11 pounds) and lost 3 kg of fat (6.6 punds) with the same amount of gear, from an eye point of view i was clearly improving the aesthetics. (Old thread with pictures: First cycle log;enter to watch me grow(hopefully) and to give me tips!!!)
I also was at a plateau, so it'not like that growth was imputable to the diet, traning etc.

I don't think i can become a bad responder in 6 years?!

I drew bloods 6 weeks in.

I'm not panicking but it seems something is not right.

How long after you pinned did you drew bloods and what was your pinning schedule? For instance, 2 x 250mg /week, bloods drawn 48 hours after last pin.
There is just zero chance of him not being suppressed. LH/FSH would thus be totally redundant.
If it was bunk gear it would still be no where near 0.

Atleast in the US it would show less than 0.7 if we were shut down.

I personally don't think it's bunk gear
How long after you pinned did you drew bloods and what was your pinning schedule? For instance, 2 x 250mg /week, bloods drawn 48 hours after last pin.
i always pin 2 times x week on monday and friday (250 +250).
i drew bloods on a monday but didn't pin before going to the lab, so last pin was the friday before that (more than 48 hours)

@Cridi887 i guess i can try if there isn't any other way to find out that is not sending to jano
i always pin 2 times x week on monday and friday (250 +250).
i drew bloods on a monday but didn't pin before going to the lab, so last pin was the friday before that (more than 48 hours)

@Cridi887 i guess i can try if there isn't any other way to find out that is not sending to jano
the cost for supplies for Testosterone vial is less than 2 dollars obviously there is brewing, man hours, packing, time.

is the dose from Deus Accurate? I have no idea. But I dont think they would fake the cheapest thing to make.

Deus has too much of a rep to hold onto. if a bunk gear did get tested, sent out to jano, and was said to be fake. He would lose a shitload of clients.

Not saying he isnt a piece of shit or he is a good guy. I have never bought from Deus, I am not a shill for him.