MESO-Rx Sponsor DEUSPOWER - official distributor of Deus Medical (INDIA)

@mochul Couldn't reply to you there but 90% of Astera products have lab tests, there are only few that are still waiting for it but I can assure you that everything will be soon up.
Looking forward for bold cyp. I hate long half life boldenone.
Glad to hear that but what did you mean by looking forward to Bold Cyp. when you hate long half life bold? Because Cyp is one of the some what long esters.

Acne is one of the most telltale side effects of steroid use, and it is also highly unappealing. For this reason, any steroid user aims to minimize it or, if possible, eliminate it entirely to achieve clear and healthy-looking skin.

The reasons for acne appearance are diverse and usually result from a combination of genetic, environmental, hormonal, and bacterial factors. Among these, the use of anabolic steroids also plays a significant role.


Excessive Sebum Production: Acne is often associated with excessive sebum (oil) production by the skin’s sebaceous glands. ✅

This issue worsens with inflammation and an altered lipid profile, particularly an increase in total cholesterol and LDL levels. ✅

Excess sebum can clog skin pores, fostering bacterial growth and leading to the formation of pimples and blackheads. ✅

Learn more - here

We are official distributors of India based pharmaceutical manufacturer Deus Medical.​
All products have test reports made by Janoshik Analytical, they can be seen as pictures for each product in deuspower store.​
Code: MESO10
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High-Quality Steroids for Muscle Growth | DEUSPOWER​

DeusPower - high-quality steroids, HGH, SARMs and supplements. Enhance your athletic performance and achieve your fitness goals!

✅ Buy here -
We are official distributors of India based pharmaceutical manufacturer Deus Medical.​
All products have test reports made by Janoshik Analytical, they can be seen as pictures for each product in deuspower store.​
Code: MESO10
Get an extra 10% off your next order by using this code.​
1738749432698.webpHow to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle Mass
Quick Answer: Keeping muscle mass while burning away stubborn fat can be difficult to do if you don’t attack it with the correct strategies. A low-fat, high-protein diet can help you achieve the desired results when combined with the correct workout program.

Everyone who steps foot into a gym or spends hours at home every week working out wants to look their best. As the weeks turn into months turn into years, the goal is to get stronger and build quality muscle. Basically, just look like a better version of yourself. But how do you burn fat without losing muscle mass?

Unfortunately, America is one of the fattest nations in the world, with the average man walking about with 28 percent body fat and the average woman with 40 percent body fat. The United Kingdom has an estimated 64 percent of adults overweight. How did we get here?

“How do we burn fat without losing muscle mass?” - LEARN HERE

We are official distributors of India based pharmaceutical manufacturer Deus Medical.

Code: MESO10
Get an extra 10% off your next order by using this code.​
labtests old of 5 years xD Really reassuring

Superdrol: The Superman Steroid

Superdrol is one of the most legendary steroids, and in this article, we will explain everything you need to know about its use.

Its History

Superdrol, also known as Methasterone or methyldrostanolone, is an oral steroid that was marketed legally as a prohormone for many years. This prohormone was created by altering the chemical structure of Masteron, resulting in a very potent compound that is quite different from the Masteron we all know.

Positive Effects

Superdrol is one of the most potent steroids available, and at low doses, it can provide impressive results both in "cut" and "bulk" phases.

-Dramatically increases muscle mass.

-Reduces body fat at an alarming rate.

-Increases strength incredibly.

-Helps preserve muscle mass even during intense "cuts."

-Due to certain interactions with various body receptors, it creates a very striking aesthetic/3D look.

Learn more - HERE
Valentine’s Day is Coming!
Have you thought about your special other half?
Whether it's your partner, your gym buddy, or your fitness goals—show them some love this Valentine's Day! ❤️

Stay tuned… something exciting is on the way!
Thank you for your order! As we said if you have any doubts about purity and dosage of our products - you are free to test it and we will reimburse you in store credits for testing. I would also like to state that these products are made in big batches and have a long shelf life of 5+ years like any other medical drugs.
I just received some decamed with the same batch than this test on their website

SO it seems that they have a huge stock that they sell over several years.

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