DGS Labz

Get your DGS from this guy no other resellers. Ive never had a problem with this dude. Im not a rep or connected to him but his gear is gtg. Not to mention there pressed tablets and work real good for me also. Only concern is some tablets will chip off a little but it still does its job.
Get your DGS from this guy no other resellers. Ive never had a problem with this dude. Im not a rep or connected to him but his gear is gtg. Not to mention there pressed tablets and work real good for me also. Only concern is some tablets will chip off a little but it still does its job.

This came out of fucking nowhere and scared me a bit about dgs now, prolly just paranoid but
Like tren4 said wtf man?
hey everyone. we are going private for now until some personal issues resolve themselves. i don't want to keep taking new customers and not be able to take care of them. if you have already emailed us you may con't to order. Please keep our name off the forums. no PM, or conversations will be answered. the next few months are going to be a difficult time in my life. no legal trouble, just personal things. everyone stay safe and keep growing. it's what im focusing on. ya'll have a good one. please let this thread die. oh and no one else should be selling our gear online. period.
When did you order? Just ran test prop for 8 weeks and bloods showed literally no increase in test levels
When did you order? Just ran test prop for 8 weeks and bloods showed literally no increase in test levels
lets see them you need to post bro. Not doubting you bit this is how it goes. What was your pre bloods level and where now? When did yout ake your last pin before test. These are all things we need to know.
Okay i will...I was surprised too since this source had been backed up by so many members. Maybe I got a bad batch. Or maybe this is the reason why he suddenly went dark