DGS Labz

I've been taking the "var" as Winny for almost 2.5 weeks. I see/feel no improvement in strength at all. About to dump that as well
Fuck man.
This is getting ugly quick, I think it's best if I try to place an order through Agora to find out if all orders are suspended or if he's neglecting us because of member concerns and restitution. I will keep you guys posted
I've been taking the "var" as Winny for almost 2.5 weeks. I see/feel no improvement in strength at all. About to dump that as well
What dose are you taking? I took 100 1st day and 75 for 2 days and the athritus(sp) in my ankles kicked up big time.
I started w 50 (1 pill) for 3 or 4 days, then went to 75 (1.5 pills) since. I did have some minor joint discomfort in my hands but some cissus cleared that up. I've also exploded with acne but no strength gains at all. I'll give it a few more days but its not looking good
Ya I had the forearm hand thing going too figured it must be good winny, who knows how its dosed we shouldnt have to play guessing games. If he gives credit I dont even know what I will do with it.
Lol we shouldn't be playing guessing games. I've had that thought a few times in the morning when I pop little babies
Got an email back after about 2hrs, says he is having it tested and has contacted his vendor.
Maybe not all hope is not lost?
Hopefully not. I've gotten some pretty good stuff from him. But we all know how this game goes. What may be good today, could shit the bed tomorrow.
Ya its good to see he is not m.i.a.
Dude has always stood behind his product hopefully that doesnt change now.
Its going to screw my cycle up but it happens, should have labmaxed it when I first got it.
Well hot damn this is exactly how things go bad. Now you guys know why his loyal base was upset when he came back and opened his doors. The magnitude of curious/seekers that watch this site can cause QA issues fast even if only opened for a short period of time.. A response is good but I have heard that one before it is all about the follow through now. I like DGS but these things are hard for small operations to come back from it is just a UGL downward spiral that occurs. Let's hope this is just a hiccup and DGS handles this like a pro but like I said once it happens the odds starting stacking against you. I will caveat though in my conversations with him it seems he might be one to buck the trend. If it was me I would hold off and watch here.
Brothers, just another update....... I emailed him letting him know he had a problem and to check out the thread. He emailed me back that he is having the TP tested now and depending upon the results will test other compounds. He stated that he does not take this lightly and will figure out the cause and fix it.
I'm rooting for him, as I know many more are. Hate to see another "crash" source.
Beware and be cautious, fellas!

I know the majority of you know this, but I'll say it again as a reminder. Almost every source that went down in flames, reacted the same way when the first signs of trouble began. They were surprised that there were problems, then resolved to get to the bottom of it and be more vigilant going forward to make sure it never happened again. They promised to make every customers problems right, and were gonna make sure that every bad item was replaced.

Well, that very rarely ever turned out that way. Usually they just flake out.

I am rooting for DGS to get it turned around too - but please be aware that history very rarely points to a happy ending with these sutuations.

Just be careful.
Beware and be cautious, fellas!

I know the majority of you know this, but I'll say it again as a reminder. Almost every source that went down in flames, reacted the same way when the first signs of trouble began. They were surprised that there were problems, then resolved to get to the bottom of it and be more vigilant going forward to make sure it never happened again. They promised to make every customers problems right, and were gonna make sure that every bad item was replaced.

Well, that very rarely ever turned out that way. Usually they just flake out.

I am rooting for DGS to get it turned around too - but please be aware that history very rarely points to a happy ending with these sutuations.

Just be careful.
it's really going to come down to a cashflow issue. As more and more guys come forward, the scale of the problem becomes fully realized, and it usually takes a massive amount of capital to make everyone whole. I think some sources may intend on reimbursing customers, but by the time they really get an evaluation of the undertaking financially they are unprepared. Hope DGS is a good businessman and has stacked some away in his business just for times like these. Most of these UGL's that pop up use "company assets" like their personal piggybank under the impression nothing will ever go wrong and the money will never stop flowin' in.
it's really going to come down to a cash flow issue. As more and more guys come forward, the scale of the problem becomes fully realized, and it usually takes a massive amount of capital to make everyone whole. I think some sources may intend on reimbursing customers, but by the time they really get an evaluation of the undertaking financially they are unprepared. Hope DGS is a good businessman and has stacked some away in his business just for times like these. Most of these UGL's that pop up use "company assets" like their personal piggybank under the impression nothing will ever go wrong and the money will never stop flowin' in.

^^^^^^THIS EXACTLY. They spend and inflate the lifestyle. Then the problem happens and there is nothing to fix it with and no god raws to work with. SO FLUSH goes all the orders, the old business name. AND BLAM suddenly there is a new vendor on the forums. I have seen this A MILLION TIMES both in this scene and the RC scene. Happens almost as often as good orders do.