DGS Labz

Great Tren A. One of the better labs I ran with Tren. Of course that was before he came back to Meso and went to shit.
I got 3 bottles of his eq laying around. Gonna give it a shot next cycle. He just blew up too fast. And couldn't keep up. I even considered giving him another chance, because I never had any problems. But then when he came on here talking about his gay ass ifbb pro who's running all his gear and to keep his name off the boards. I just thought what a bullshitting tool. Can't stand liars. That's why I won't give spetz my business either.
the sad part is I actually thought for a second about givin him another shot...
his tren a and winny had me sweating like a whore in church and had a new patch of hair pop up on my lats!

My luck I would get an infection from his dirty schwill and have to get a leg amputated
For whats its worth he replaced the bad var I had, he emailed me back about 2 weeks after my last contact I had given up. Only use that email to make orders when I went back in he had responded and replaced my bad var with tbol which I havent tested yet right away.
Will also say I got an unusual amount of lumps while running his gear, I know it happens occasionally even with watson but it was like every other shot would leave a lump in the muscle. With all the other sources going to crap I too thought about giving him another try but man the pip I got from his testp was brutal.
Could the test have been overdosed? causing the lumps and pip? I had gotten some 350mg testE...can't use it. Didn't cause an infection but couldn't use my leg either.
Could the test have been overdosed? causing the lumps and pip? I had gotten some 350mg testE...can't use it. Didn't cause an infection but couldn't use my leg either.
What about filtering it again? Ibe seen guys talk about this here. I couldn't tell ya but5 I think If it could help with pip it seems like a try.
Thanks..Could give it a try. Was also told to dilute it a bit with EQ and see if that helps. I hate using myself as a guinea pig.
I just got bloods done and I used DGS test cyp and test E and my bloods came back 1500> I used 300mg 2x a week I also used his proviron and my shbg lvls came back lower than normal I will post later if I can figure out how to post a pictuee of it after work


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