I went with the riodtest 139.99 an 2 refill kits at 79.99 which i believe is like 299. Something plus the 200$ to send off. I guess i skipped math class because i see a total of 499? Guess im ray charles. But hey date of arrival is the 8th. I will be testing Pcom deca an TestE 300, Anabolx Test E an P, and Dharma's test P,NPP, and anadrol. So time will tell i plan on videoing the whole process an then i will procced to order from well known UGLs an video and test those as well. I know i cant tell dosage just that the substance is either present or not.
Unfortantly to the companys who fail i will not be holding back. Its called Harm reduction for a reason. I will have a total of 20 liquid vials an 20 powder vials for pills.
So if anyone has any suggestions on a ugl to test DM an i will purchase an do so.