I posted this over at TID years back but felt maybe it could be semi relevant still, even I 2020. Excuse the broken sentences, that happened when it was published at TID.
DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone, is a hormone produced naturally from cholesterol in the ex hormone testosterone, so in essence it's a prohormone.
The human body produces very little DHEA until about the age of seven, when production i arly 30s, thus sets the trend with testosterone. By the mid-70s, DHEA production has drop
DHEA was first identified in 1934 and was sold over the counter mainly as a weight loss aid FDA) classified DHEA as a drug, making it available by prescription only. The FDA reversed i ithout a prescription.
1994 study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego looked at 30 middle-a months. The test subjects generally reported an improved sense of well-being, increased e tress. There are very few large, well-designed human studies testing the health effects of D vidence to rate the effectiveness of DHEA https://www.theironden.com/forum/forums/wicked-labs.123/ in treating adrenal insufficiency, de ymptoms, heart disease, breast cancer, infertility, and diabetes according to the National I
he supplement industry has of course recognized DHEA's weight loss potential and in turn
nother "problem" facing DHEA users is it's aromatizing / masculizing potential. With so ma -one or 3-acetoxy-androst-5- ene-7,17-dione was born due to necessity.
his is a by-product of dehydroepiandrosterone, but unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not conv
People take 7-keto-DHEA to increase metabolic rate and body heat production to promote mass and build muscle, increase the activity of*the thyroid gland, boost the immune syste
lthough the advantages of 7-keto-DHEA are evident, I still read many people confused as nd more potent form of DHEA, the well-known "mother hormone", a substance known to NOT DHEA. It is a natural metabolite of DHEA.
The most noticable and considered variance between DHEA and 7 Keto DHEA is that 7 Keto and testosterone as seen via DHEA administration does not (in theory) occour. In fact, study levels of testosterone by much as 10 times above normal which is the reason DHEA has many men going through andropause or PCT.
DHEA supplementation has been under the preverbial microscope for many years and men have a more optamistic conclusion than negative feedback it seems to advocate DHEA's use
Many have been advocates for DHEA's use in the PCT or post cycle therapy phase of an anabol proving me wrong than supporting my simple hypothesis that DHEA is useful in a steroid user.
If I were spouting rhetoric that DHEA aided in reversing a suppressed HPTA then I would have ideas on the subject....however, I have never made such a claim. I simply feel DHEA, along estosterone production being suppressed can assist in hpta recovery.
That being said, many will argue DHEA actually further suppresses HpTA function.
Can we all say do your own research!
Good luck and feel free to post your comments!
DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone, is a hormone produced naturally from cholesterol in the ex hormone testosterone, so in essence it's a prohormone.
The human body produces very little DHEA until about the age of seven, when production i arly 30s, thus sets the trend with testosterone. By the mid-70s, DHEA production has drop
DHEA was first identified in 1934 and was sold over the counter mainly as a weight loss aid FDA) classified DHEA as a drug, making it available by prescription only. The FDA reversed i ithout a prescription.
1994 study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego looked at 30 middle-a months. The test subjects generally reported an improved sense of well-being, increased e tress. There are very few large, well-designed human studies testing the health effects of D vidence to rate the effectiveness of DHEA https://www.theironden.com/forum/forums/wicked-labs.123/ in treating adrenal insufficiency, de ymptoms, heart disease, breast cancer, infertility, and diabetes according to the National I
he supplement industry has of course recognized DHEA's weight loss potential and in turn
nother "problem" facing DHEA users is it's aromatizing / masculizing potential. With so ma -one or 3-acetoxy-androst-5- ene-7,17-dione was born due to necessity.
his is a by-product of dehydroepiandrosterone, but unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not conv
People take 7-keto-DHEA to increase metabolic rate and body heat production to promote mass and build muscle, increase the activity of*the thyroid gland, boost the immune syste
lthough the advantages of 7-keto-DHEA are evident, I still read many people confused as nd more potent form of DHEA, the well-known "mother hormone", a substance known to NOT DHEA. It is a natural metabolite of DHEA.
The most noticable and considered variance between DHEA and 7 Keto DHEA is that 7 Keto and testosterone as seen via DHEA administration does not (in theory) occour. In fact, study levels of testosterone by much as 10 times above normal which is the reason DHEA has many men going through andropause or PCT.
DHEA supplementation has been under the preverbial microscope for many years and men have a more optamistic conclusion than negative feedback it seems to advocate DHEA's use
Many have been advocates for DHEA's use in the PCT or post cycle therapy phase of an anabol proving me wrong than supporting my simple hypothesis that DHEA is useful in a steroid user.
If I were spouting rhetoric that DHEA aided in reversing a suppressed HPTA then I would have ideas on the subject....however, I have never made such a claim. I simply feel DHEA, along estosterone production being suppressed can assist in hpta recovery.
That being said, many will argue DHEA actually further suppresses HpTA function.
Can we all say do your own research!

Good luck and feel free to post your comments!