Dianabol and Anavar Cycle for a first timer

What do you mean man did you not read my post?! I answered every single question including this one !!
Yes I did and thank you for that, I will definitely consider Test E and C. But is this agreed up on by all or are there any other alternatives?
Yes I did and thank you for that, I will definitely consider Test E and C. But is this agreed up on by all or are there any other alternatives?
This is agreed upon by all experienced meso members that this is the best and standard first cycle
Yes I did and thank you for that, I will definitely consider Test E and C. But is this agreed up on by all or are there any other alternatives?

This is agreed upon by all experienced meso members that this is the best and standard first cycle

I'm going to take this one step further and say anybody who knows anything about AAS and PEDs should reccomend a test only cycle to begin with E or C if you are needle shy Test P if you are worried about complications so you can bail out sooner. I started test P because I like needles and if I didn't like it or was going to get tested for my job I could bail out. Now I use both P and E for funsies.
I don't understand the needle issue. If something like this is an issue how on earth can you meet the incredibly rigorous demands of adequate training?
I'm not saying you should never use gear but you are not ready. The first step is getting your blood work done to find out of you are a trt candidate. Then it's time to learn how to master your body composition with diet cardio and training. Learn how your body puts on muscle best and how it burns fat.
Once you have done this - eat dbol and var with every fucking meal - who cares.
But where you are at now? The questions you are asking? Not ready.
First cycle alternatives? Anything but oral only. Run a gram of tren solo every week for 10 weeks, and if you aren't in jail by the end and you ate something and trained hard you will at least have more than you would have with 2 orals. Of course I'm kidding but if you want alternative to injectable gear you won't find it here and for good reason.
Join the food thread, start threads about your questions that you can't find answers for. Learn how to eat and train - that's where the men are made around here. You can even start using test before you plateau but not before you master the basics.