Dianabol and hair loss


Hi, I would like to ask D-bol users have you experienced hair loss from it? It is not dht derivative so I assume it's relatively hair safe. Currently using 500 test e a week and 500 boldenone a week and I would like to use it to get some estrogen conversion cause it's crushed by boldenone. Also I use 2.5 mg finasteride daily to negate testosterone to dht conversion.
Pls spare me "shave it off" and "if u are prone to MPB" comments.
I don't have mpb but testosterone without finasteride makes me shedd alot and thin out my hair.
So far I have used turinabol, anavar and boldanone with no hair problems.
I would really appreciate your input.
If bold crashes your estrogen (although it doesn't nearly happen for everyone) why use it?

What can I say I'm not prone to hair loss and I used dbol many times with moderate to high Testosterone, so no for me it doesn't cause my hair to shed/thin/fall. For you? I don't know.
If bold crashes your estrogen (although it doesn't nearly happen for everyone) why use it?

What can I say I'm not prone to hair loss and I used dbol many times with moderate to high Testosterone, so no for me it doesn't cause my hair to shed/thin/fall. For you? I don't know.
Cause I like it and I think It can be negated with dianabol, also with lowering the dosage, but that is my second solution. I would like to with dianabol first.
Anyway thanks for input, I appreciate it.
Cause I like it and I think It can be negated with dianabol, also with lowering the dosage, but that is my second solution. I would like to with dianabol first.
Anyway thanks for input, I appreciate it.
Fair enough. Yeah man, it's really hard to give advice cuz different people react differently. I used to love dbol, it's fun drug and works very quick like right now not tomorrow or a week after you know. Euphoric feeling on it maybe placebo, but everytime I felt like it. All day pump and strength going up on every workout or at least every second. Appetite is increased big time. Yeah fun times man, just nowadays I like something like anavar with lower T more to look leaner.
dbol can make you shed. but hard to say youd know better then us. do you shed on test? if yes then dbol you will probabaly shed.
dbol can make you shed. but hard to say youd know better then us. do you shed on test? if yes then dbol you will probabaly shed.
I can't know cause I have not used it yet. I'm Just asking for personal experience.
I shed on test but not with finasteride.
Did u use D-bol? Did u shed?
I can't know cause I have not used it yet. I'm Just asking for personal experience.
I shed on test but not with finasteride.
Did u use D-bol? Did u shed?
i use fina. so i dont shed on anything. if youre on fina you wont shed.
Hi, I would like to ask D-bol users have you experienced hair loss from it? It is not dht derivative so I assume it's relatively hair safe. Currently using 500 test e a week and 500 boldenone a week and I would like to use it to get some estrogen conversion cause it's crushed by boldenone. Also I use 2.5 mg finasteride daily to negate testosterone to dht conversion.
Pls spare me "shave it off" and "if u are prone to MPB" comments.
I don't have mpb but testosterone without finasteride makes me shedd alot and thin out my hair.
So far I have used turinabol, anavar and boldanone with no hair problems.
I would really appreciate your input.
does finasteride work with Boldenone?
I think any anabolic will speed up hair loss but typically "wet" compounds aren't as harsh on the hairline

the hardening compounds will wreak more havoc

all anecdotal
If bold crashes your estrogen (although it doesn't nearly happen for everyone) why use it?

What can I say I'm not prone to hair loss and I used dbol many times with moderate to high Testosterone, so no for me it doesn't cause my hair to shed/thin/fall. For you? I don't know.
How much mg of dbol you run?
How much mg of dbol you run?
Not sure how it will help you, but for anecdotal purposes I have taken anywhere from 15mg up to 80mg. Now I choose better orals like anavar.

My sweet spot for dbol is 30mg. I tolerate 50mg quite well too. 60mg is the limit and 70+ is just too much side effects and unnecessary.
does finasteride work with Boldenone?
Very little because boldenone dont convert much to DHB ( that is very androgenic) but at least FIN is going to protect that conversion.

FIN doesnt protect from Testosterone, it reduces the conversion off TEST to DHT.

Testosterone itself is androgenic, also boldenone, but compared to dht is very mild so much more hair safe, ....but any anabolic has the potential to fuck your hair.

dont forget Fin only innibits like 50-60% of DHT while DUTASTERIDE can go to 90% inibition... if you have hair loss without steroids i doubt only Fin is enough to mantain, because probably your DHT will be much higher than normal.

now testosterone + boldenone, with a good stack for hair loss should be safe,....
Very little because boldenone dont convert much to DHB ( that is very androgenic) but at least FIN is going to protect that conversion.

FIN doesnt protect from Testosterone, it reduces the conversion off TEST to DHT.

Testosterone itself is androgenic, also boldenone, but compared to dht is very mild so much more hair safe, ....but any anabolic has the potential to fuck your hair.

dont forget Fin only innibits like 50-60% of DHT while DUTASTERIDE can go to 90% inibition... if you have hair loss without steroids i doubt only Fin is enough to mantain, because probably your DHT will be much higher than normal.

now testosterone + boldenone, with a good stack for hair loss should be safe,....
how about ment?
how about ment?
not sure ...i think it doesnt convert to DHT , but Tren neither and for some it rip the hair.

But then Tren is very androgenic, and I suppose it's the worst... but only by trying it will you find out if it really affects your hair.
For example, there are those who say with anadrol dont shed , but with dbol they lose hair
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Very little because boldenone dont convert much to DHB ( that is very androgenic) but at least FIN is going to protect that conversion.
boldenone does not metabolize to DHB, this is a myth, it has been very thoroughly researched, the name DHB "dihydroboldenone" is only colloquial and is not an acceptable chemical name

Similarly, dbol does not react with 5alpha reductase to any extent

Below you have graphics from the research of the greatest scientist in the field of steroid metabolism
boldenone does not metabolize to DHB, this is a myth, it has been very thoroughly researched, the name DHB "dihydroboldenone" is only colloquial and is not an acceptable chemical name

Similarly, dbol does not react with 5alpha reductase to any extent

Below you have graphics from the research of the greatest scientist in the field of steroid metabolism
Thank you for knowledge

i really thought boldenone convert to DHB, like almost nothing... but still , and by the 5AR.
thats why boldenone can be hair safe, even more because i thought you could inibit that little conversion to DHB.

Yes 5AR inibitors dont work with dbol to protect hair.
Thank you for knowledge

i really thought boldenone convert to DHB, like almost nothing... but still , and by the 5AR.
thats why boldenone can be hair safe, even more because i thought you could inibit that little conversion to DHB.

Yes 5AR inibitors dont work with dbol to protect hair.
almost everyone thinks so, even wikipedia uses the incorrect name dihydrboldenone
almost everyone thinks so, even wikipedia uses the incorrect name dihydrboldenone
Thank you for knowledge

i really thought boldenone convert to DHB, like almost nothing... but still , and by the 5AR.
thats why boldenone can be hair safe, even more because i thought you could inibit that little conversion to DHB.

Yes 5AR inibitors dont work with dbol to protect hair.
So, we're pretty limited here as far as hair safe compounds huh. Test and bold if using a fin or duta?