Did I build a tolerance DNP?/DNP not working


Today is my 14th day running 500mg+ DNP ed and 750mg dnp last few days. I know the source is g2g because I feel the heat and feel lethargic.I have a fan next to me most of the time and reduces the heat tremendously. I started at 232lbs and I've been stuck at 225lbs for a week now! Since I started I've been training twice a day doing 1 hour+ of lifting and 45 minutes of low intensity cardio everyday on top of doing 40 minutes low intensity or hiit cardio at night. My macros have been high protein, low carbs, and 2800 calorie deficit and I know the diet not the issue. Does anyone know why I'm stuck or why I've haven't been losing much weight as I should? Any help would be much appreciated, I've done a couple of cycles of dnp this year so I don't if that has anything to do with this and my first cycles I did no cardio and less training and lost like 18lbs in 2 weeks.
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That's weird man. I know you are saying diet isn't the issue- but If you are in a true deficit you would be losing even without the dnp. How much are you taking in and are you sure you are tracking cals accurately?
Water retention is common on dnp. You'll probably drop even more when you come off.

Careful with that deficit. Keep the protein up, or you're going to burn muscle. Even though dnp isn't supposed to be catabolic on it's own, that's a lot of calories to drop.
id stop watching the scale, that'll drive you nuts

with that low of calories you must be feeling miserable! go eat some fat free ice cream or drink a soda it won't hinder your weight loss and it'll give you some energy