Differences between Test Prop and Test Phenylprop


New Member
Hi !

Always used long ester like enanthate or cypionate, sid try russian sustanon that was painful a fee days after injections..

Now, does anyone has tried both prop.and Phenylprop? Always heard prop stings a bit but what about phenylprop?

Also I see prop at 75mg/ml up to 100 vs Phenylprop up to 150mg/ml...

Share your experiences and wisdom please
The only difference is the half life and it’s only a few days different. I like 100mgs of prop preworkout, TPP isn’t special, typically just added to sust. At the end of the day, test is test is test.
Now there is a legendary blend called ATIPP. You gotta get on a list to even get the shit, it’s sold by GearChurch. 50mg test ace, 150 TPP, 100 test Isocaproate and idk why but it blows sustanon out of the water, I like it a lot anyways.