Different approach to powerlifting

joe barnes

New Member
I'm 43 5"11 and sitting at 286 this morning. I have been competing since I was 15. I was 25 my first cycle. I have been very fortunate I only came second one time that is when I was 16.
I hit my ultimate goal a 605 bench@340 raw in competition. So after that I was like double bodyweight would be the shit. But I knew 680 was not happing no way especially at my age.
First forward 2 years I had not competed since, training was going well just had not competed. So I was sitting up front and there is a guy who has his pro card. Nice guy knowing for 12 yrs. We started chatting he asked why you not competing said I got 605 but double bodyweight out of question. He said ever thought losing weight. I said you think. He said training is on you rest I'll take care of. Just trust me said why not. Outcome was 585 at 270 raw. It's kinda different but it works
Test E 1500
EQ 1500
Deca 600 joints
Tren ace 1 cc mon wed Fri Last 10 wks
Winny oral 50 ed last 10 wks
GH 4 IU bed time
Insulin nov r 5 IU meal 2 and post workout. Increase each wk 5 IU up to 20 IU twice day
T3 50 mcg Mon wed Fri
Arimidex .5 mon and Fri
Insulin and gh along with T3 was my first run. My buddy believes heavily on gh and insulin. When used correctly there is no match his words not mine
Again little different 2 gallons water ed as many diet soda I like. And I love cran 50 ocean spray it's only 10 sugar and carbs per 8 oz
Meal 1 4 whole omega eggs two bacon 1 potato sliced in pan or 2 cream of wheat. 1/2 grapefruit
Meal 2. First insulin pin. 1 tablespoon honey can of pineapple apple or orange. Mostly green apple
Two scoops whey iso
Meal 3 2 protein waffles 3 sausage links berries and sugar free syrup
Meal 4 pre-work 2 slices of cinnamon raisin bread with low sugar jam. I get 30 sugars from jam
One scoop whey iso
Postwork out second slin pin. Then 30 min cardio 3 miles hr on 3 incline incline 2 scoops glutamine with bcaas. Two packs cream of rice with honey and dates. 30 grams of colin protein
Last meal. 5 oz turkey or steak cup white rice spinach and another serving fruit. I do use raisins a well some times
do you really want to be walking around at nearly 300lbs and slamming 4g+ of gear a week at 43?
I been in the 300 pound rage since I was 30. Labs are good so I keeping doing what makes me feel good. I'm retired and gym is my life has been . Competing training hard all I know. If I start feeling bad I'll change.
I’d imagine people are staying away from this mid life crisis, train wreck, Hiroshima, wife cheated on you, can’t control your debt, just buy a sports car cycle.

286lbs on several grams of gear at your old age (on terms of being at athlete). Your old ass should know better. You’re also fuckin with your thyroid and pancreas?

This sounds crazy. I mean, I wish you well.. but this isn’t harm reduction what you’re doing. You’re looking to justify a ridiculous cycle that you’ll do regardless of feedback or opinions.

You will come out of this worse than you went in.
Buddy, what are you doing to yourself with this plan?

We’ve heard of suicide by cop. This is suicide by cap, where one of those compounds is either gonna fuck your organs or choke you.

Don’t down on what you know. Use your knowledge and widows to find a better way,
I just posted this for people to see what took and why. I say never try or copy this program. It was tailored made for myself and my needs. Before my last cycle I ran same thing for yrs test 750 deca 600 dbol. Pretty. Simple and basic. Then when I started working with my friend I tired other compound for first time
Im happy with the results. Double bodyweight bench 585@270. Um I'm the leanest I have ever been in my life. Now to hit 600@270. Meet on end of Sept and second week of October.
Hey guys I really appreciate the feedback. To me there is no good or bad feedback just feedback.
No I'm not at mid life crisis lol. I was very lucky being able to retire early. I travel a lot usually 4 times a yr airlines do suck at my size lol
I just love to lift I love to train I love to compete I love to eat
I have to get bloods done every 8 weeks due to lithium. So my Dr at the VA is young guy but he is a gym rat so it's nice to have him what I'm doing vmy labs are great. Before I worked with my body was pre diabetic after I lost weight gone normal range. I had fatty liver due to my size dropped weight liver great. Creatine levels was tad high normal now. I'm more healthy now then ever.
There are people that are blessed with good genetics handling large amount of gear and staying relatively healthy. Biology is a strange thing.

I am older than OP, on gear for decades but far lower dosages, but my ass has very low lipids and BP is in 110/60 ON cycle. Others in here need bp meds to stay in range on trt and 3/4 or lower bw
There are people that are blessed with good genetics handling large amount of gear and staying relatively healthy. Biology is a strange thing.

I am older than OP, on gear for decades but far lower dosages, but my ass has very low lipids and BP is in 110/60 ON cycle. Others in here need bp meds to stay in range on trt and 3/4 or lower bw
More so there are people who don't do blood work and don't measure their blood pressure. Because they deep down know it's all fucked up. Did I tell too much truth? Of course outliers exist and I thought I'm invincinble but once I went past 25 health ain't as prestine as it used to be. So I have to make adjustments I guess.
T3 for powerlifting seems counter productive as it's catabolic and destroys strength more than anything

Also winny for powerlifting doesn't seem great either, that stuff wrecks my joints

Also that much gear at that age with random stuff like t3 and winny thrown in doesn't seem well thought out. Idk.

Carrying that much weight around Also isn't healthy, and won't end well
T3 for powerlifting seems counter productive as it's catabolic and destroys strength more than anything

Also winny for powerlifting doesn't seem great either, that stuff wrecks my joints

Also that much gear at that age with random stuff like t3 and winny thrown in doesn't seem well thought out. Idk.

Carrying that much weight around Also isn't healthy, and won't end well
T3 can be anabolic in the right dosage scheme. Winny can be used for shorter duration for strength but it's not optimal.
There's always someone complaining about how it's wrong to use slightly larger amounts than normal. These complainers are usually the ones on the beach with a rap cap on the wrong side and cocaine in their nostrils...
cocaine in their nostrils...

But people overdo everything... half a gram of coke per week is less harsher than people perma running over 2G of gear. Bet bet

Theres always that one guy that goes over 3 grams of blow in a night... and smokes crack at home.


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