Difficulty Urinating Since Switching to Gels and Trying Cialis


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I was on 80mg a week of Test C for a few years. Lately I felt like it was pooping out and I remembered how great I felt way back when I first started Androgel. So I asked the Doc if I could go back on gel. My insurance wouldn't cover Androgel so he put me on some third party gel from a compounding pharmacy. Been on it 2 months now. I have noticed my BPH symptoms worsening. Peeing more often and much slower stream. Could this be possible as a result of DHT from the gel? Its only been 2 months. I had my PSA checked 3 months ago and it's .04 where it's always been. I'm 52.
Its scary as hell when you feel like you have to go, and stand at the toilet and the urine hesitates. Last year the Doc gave me Cialis 5mg daily for the BPH symptoms. I only took it a couple times and stopped because of the headache and stuffy nose symptom. But since this urine issue is worsening tonight I resumed the Cialis. I'm hoping that helps at least until I can get back to the urologist. Thanks for listening
1) It only happens with the gel and NEVER with the shots ?

2) were you doing 80 mgs in one shout or 40 mgs twice per week ?

3) important! , did a Urologist actually say your prostate had some enlargement ???
Did he estimate the size?

4) Does your urine stream split or spray or is it just difficult to push out urine?

5) how long have you been on testosterone? Are you in good shape or overweight.?
I was on 80mg a week of Test C for a few years. Lately I felt like it was pooping out and I remembered how great I felt way back when I first started Androgel. So I asked the Doc if I could go back on gel. My insurance wouldn't cover Androgel so he put me on some third party gel from a compounding pharmacy. Been on it 2 months now. I have noticed my BPH symptoms worsening. Peeing more often and much slower stream. Could this be possible as a result of DHT from the gel? Its only been 2 months. I had my PSA checked 3 months ago and it's .04 where it's always been. I'm 52.
Its scary as hell when you feel like you have to go, and stand at the toilet and the urine hesitates. Last year the Doc gave me Cialis 5mg daily for the BPH symptoms. I only took it a couple times and stopped because of the headache and stuffy nose symptom. But since this urine issue is worsening tonight I resumed the Cialis. I'm hoping that helps at least until I can get back to the urologist. Thanks for listening

Doesnt take long for the prostate to get huge , especially at 52 . Thats when my urine problems started....

Google: Enlarged prostate (BPH)
1) It only happens with the gel and NEVER with the shots ?

2) were you doing 80 mgs in one shout or 40 mgs twice per week ?

3) important! , did a Urologist actually say your prostate had some enlargement ???
Did he estimate the size?

4) Does your urine stream split or spray or is it just difficult to push out urine?

5) how long have you been on testosterone? Are you in good shape or overweight.?

Well, this has been slowly worsening over the last 10 years. But in the last 2 months I notice it a bit more (maybe my imagination)

Been on T for about 5 years. Im not in the best shape, a little overweight and I don't work out.

Urologist did DRE last year and said it felt normal but "that doesn't mean you don't have BPH or its symptoms"

I was doing 40mg x twice a week of Cyponate

No Urine stream doesn't split it 2. It just hesitates to start, flows slow, and doesn't fully empty.
I also notice I tend to dribble a little after going which is annoying.
So an update: last night before bed I tried 5mg of Cialis. I did not have to wake up during the night to pee. And this morning I urinated normally with no hesitation.
Is it possible that one pill would work so quickly?????
So an update: last night before bed I tried 5mg of Cialis. I did not have to wake up during the night to pee. And this morning I urinated normally with no hesitation.
Is it possible that one pill would work so quickly?????

Thats proof right there that you have BPH . The Cialis worked for me for a while too , then it was time for Doxazosin . Thats about the strongest anti-BPH pill they have .
I use doxazosin, 8 mg. I'm 71 and have been using it for at least 10 years now. I tried combining doxazosin, 8 mg with Cialis, 2.5 mg and it was better, but the cost of the Cialis was too much for the relatively small improvement. Doxazosin is generic, so the cost is much less than Cialis. My PSA has been between 0.80 and 0.90 for at least 10 years.
So it sounds like Cialis is ok for early BPH but then stops working.

Cialis still helps , probably cuts bathroom trips by 1 or 2 times . And definitely helps in the wood department . Doxazosin is for when you make more than 4 or 5 trips a night (prostate humungous). Or you can go with "greenlight lazer surgery" , thats the final straw...
Supposedly Rapaflo is the strongest alpha blocker.
The best for younger guys with the least amount of side effects from what my doc said is Uroxatrol.
I am seriously comsidering taking 1 mg of finasteride 3 times per week for prevantive measures but my Uro says i dont need it. My issue is inflammation of the prostate which totally sucks because there isnt much you can do about it.
My psa fluctuates between .6 and .7.
I do use flomax sometimes and it helps with the irritated feeling i get that makes me want to urinate. When i ejaculate, my prostate feels irritated for 2 days and my urine stream is weak.
Flomax doesnt have a big impact on ejaculation for me, it does reduce the volume a bit bit not too bad. Some guys get a " dry ejaculation" but it doesnt happen to me. Rapaflo supposedly does that while Uroxatrol does not.
Cialis still helps , probably cuts bathroom trips by 1 or 2 times . And definitely helps in the wood department . Doxazosin is for when you make more than 4 or 5 trips a night (prostate humungous). Or you can go with "greenlight lazer surgery" , thats the final straw...

I have been making 2 bathroom trips a night. However that can be improved if I don't drink anything 4 or 5 hours before bed
But even today I notice major improvement. I woke up at 9 urinated normally. Had coffee. Left the house, had another large coffee. Its 12:30 and still no pressing urge to urinate. Usually I would need to go after the first cup of anything
So you first noticed bph symptoms in your early to mid 40's?
Did your father get bph at an early age?

My father never went to a doctor so who knows. But he was always running to the bathroom especially when driving. He called it a "nervous bladder"
I use doxazosin, 8 mg. I'm 71 and have been using it for at least 10 years now. I tried combining doxazosin, 8 mg with Cialis, 2.5 mg and it was better, but the cost of the Cialis was too much for the relatively small improvement. Doxazosin is generic, so the cost is much less than Cialis. My PSA has been between 0.80 and 0.90 for at least 10 years.

dude, you're 71? that's cool, oldest member on Meso maybe? Nice to meet ya!

sorry to hijack your thread OP, glad you're regular again!
dude, you're 71? that's cool, oldest member on Meso maybe? Nice to meet ya!

sorry to hijack your thread OP, glad you're regular again!
Thanks. Might be the oldest - never thought about it. I've been here since 2009, about the time I was diagnosed with low T.

By the way to the OP, I don't think my BPH has gotten much worse since I started on Testim in 2009. Perhaps just a little and my PSA is still hovering in the same range.
I think testosterone speeds up the growth. If you were destined to get bph at 60, you may get it at 50 if using testosterone, same with hair loss.
I also think that many guys initially get bph from testosterone and it just levels off after a certain point and doesnt get any worse. Its still there but doesnt worsen if they makes any sense.
Some guys do end up needing surgery especially if you retain a lot of urine.
I think testosterone speeds up the growth. If you were destined to get bph at 60, you may get it at 50 if using testosterone, same with hair loss.
I also think that many guys initially get bph from testosterone and it just levels off after a certain point and doesnt get any worse. Its still there but doesnt worsen if they makes any sense.
Some guys do end up needing surgery especially if you retain a lot of urine.

I agree with this , the added testosterone speeds up the prostate issues . My 80+ yr old dad doesnt have the BPH as bad as me (he has close to zero test levels)