Dimer and related proteins in HGH


New Member
Hello, my friend just tested our HGH in Janoshik and concentration was fine, purity about 97%, but dimer and related proteins also 3,39%. I can't find any info about it, is that normal amount or is that extreme or dangerous? What do they mean and what effects can it cause?
Thanks for help ;)
P.S. I am using this gh about 2 years and no side effects, but maybe they will come in future? Any facts, articles or something?
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Have you been using the brand or this specific batch for two years? That is a potentially dangerous amount of dimer and no responsible source would/should sell that to anyone at all.

High purity + high dimer HGH has become more common recently so whenever you see a 97%+ purity HGH labtest without any dimer testing ordered, you should assume that has been omitted for a specific reason rather than by accident.
I was using this specific batch for more than a year, dont know how longe exactly. Now I am using new batch, but still didnt feel any difference. What you mean potentially dangerous? What effects do you have in mind?
I am looking for info whether such an amount of dimer can bring any negative effects in long period in the future, because for this moment I do not feel any. So far I found this thread HGH dimer/ no dimer ? and no more info around the internet :rolleyes:
I am looking for info whether such an amount of dimer can bring any negative effects in long period in the future, because for this moment I do not feel any. So far I found this thread HGH dimer/ no dimer ? and no more info around the internet :rolleyes:
Even if that amount of dimer is not that detrimental to health it still is more than should be in good quality hgh.
So naming the source and provinding the test results will contribute to harm reduction among forum members.
My goal here is not anti-advertising any brand. I'm just looking for information on specific side effects caused by high dimers amount, because I can't find any specific information.
you will not find any factual data on dimer here or anywhere else because its simply not known what the effects of high dimer has on the body. the pharma cutoff standard seems to be 4% for dimer.
Anectodal data seems to corelate somewhat dimer with side effects of GH but is that because of dimer directly or simply because high dimer indicates shit production process and subpar HGH compound... who knows...
anyway if you look around this forum you will see how things are conducted around here as in if you buy something and test it is common practice to post the test be it good or bad...
What is Dimer in HGH.

Trying to explain this as the chemist I asked explained this to me.

Image HGH as a toy car. We know exactly what happens when this toy car is introduced.

A dimer is when two HGH strands attach to one another. A mistake in the creation process. So instead of one toy car you have two toy cards connected.

The obvious problem is that the DIMER compound is not standard. It has the ability to cause issues and even unknown problems as it does things we were not expecting. Most times the common side effects are swelling in areas not expected, They can also throw off blood tests. Also of course any side effects or unexpected side effects could also be the cause of a dimer.

The most obvious reason we would want HGH and not DIMER is that we have studies and proof that the HGH will give you the desired results you wish. The Dimer we do not.
That is clear. Dimer is undesirable. Top is 100% purity and 0% dimer. But it's not the question. The q uestion is - is that dangerous for health or is that just info about production process problem?
"the pharma cutoff standard seems to be 4% for dimer." What does it mean? So 3% dimer is safe for our health?
Hello, glued human hormone should not be taken.
I wouldn't use 1% myself.
Organism cannot use it.
It can build up in Braincells and clog them.
This is the beginning of Alzheimer's
and other diseases.
Above 3% is dangerous.
A Biochemist and an endocrinologist will tell you that.
Whether users get sick is not researched because nobody will risk it.

Stay healthy.
That is clear. Dimer is undesirable. Top is 100% purity and 0% dimer. But it's not the question. The q uestion is - is that dangerous for health or is that just info about production process problem?
"the pharma cutoff standard seems to be 4% for dimer." What does it mean? So 3% dimer is safe for our health?
It most certainly is more dangerous than HGH in maybe the same way rancid oil is worse for health than fresh oil... yeah its not gonna kill you.. but why would you buy it instead of good HGH, I mean its not like there are no alternatives...
You keep asking the same question and there is clear answer the same as there is no clear answer for high dose AAS use over decades...no studies no factual data no clear answer.. we are the guinea pigs :))
and nobody is going to do the studies as there is no point because AAS are not meant to be used like we do and HGH is not meant to have high dimer....
Hello, glued human hormone should not be taken.
I wouldn't use 1% myself.
Organism cannot use it.
It can build up in Braincells and clog them.
This is the beginning of Alzheimer's
and other diseases.
Above 3% is dangerous.
A Biochemist and an endocrinologist will tell you that.
Whether users get sick is not researched because nobody will risk it.

Stay healthy.
will you produce citations for your various claims re: dimer induced alzheimers and other dimer dangers? Or just point me towards the biochemists and endocrinologists that will tell me about dimer's dangers?

Please send them quickly as i'm holding my breath
It's funny.
The only confirmed fact I found is pharma limit of dimer is 4%, so the result is good and amount about 3% is safe. That doesnt means that any dimer is good, but that means it's safe amount. All is clear. Thanks for discussion.
will you produce citations for your various claims re: dimer induced alzheimers and other dimer dangers? Or just point me towards the biochemists and endocrinologists that will tell me about dimer's dangers?

Please send them quickly as i'm holding my breath

They should be careful with their half-knowledge.

The proteins stick together because they are folded incorrectly during production.

Proteins are like a body's in-house Lego set. These large, complex molecules are made up of building blocks called amino acids. Most of the time, proteins fold correctly, but sometimes they can misfold. This misfolding causes the proteins to get sticky, and that can promote clumping, or aggregation, which is the hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

I just wanted to help to protect them from diseases, but they don't want to understand. Then they use glued proteins. Anyone else shouldn't use something like this if their health is important to them. Below 1% dimer anything else is always greater risk.
It's funny.
The only confirmed fact I found is pharma limit of dimer is 4%, so the result is good and amount about 3% is safe. That doesnt means that any dimer is good, but that means it's safe amount. All is clear. Thanks for discussion.
Indeed, amount of 4% is deemed safe in medicines, but generally, if we can achieve much better, why not strive for that?
4% dimer and related proteins is maximum amount permitted in Somatropin for human use in medicines by the pharmacopoeia.
That would be new to me as a doctor in this field, maybe your information is very outdated? Not one wrong protein belongs in the body. I can not believe that. Please provide a source or an excerpt from this pharmacopoeia. I'm happy to be taught if I'm wrong. It's a very important topic and I think it would be good to write a definitive proven answer here to close this topic.