Dimer and related proteins in HGH

Hello, my English is unfortunately not so good, I meant by that whether a normal GH analysis at Janoshik will detect if it is 192 amino or not ?

Is sucrose dangerous? Because you induce sugar ?
I believe I have not come across 192aa HGH in my life.

Taste would be, if there's present, almost certainly due to excipients only and they are definitely not dangerous. Sucrose is common white sugar, not dangerous at all.
I believe I have not come across 192aa HGH in my life.

Taste would be, if there's present, almost certainly due to excipients only and they are definitely not dangerous. Sucrose is common white sugar, not dangerous at all.
best thanks as the detailed answers
I believe I have not come across 192aa HGH in my life.

Taste would be, if there's present, almost certainly due to excipients only and they are definitely not dangerous. Sucrose is common white sugar, not dangerous at all.
192AA Somatrem (not Somatropin) was commercially approved for sale in the U.S. in 1985, and used a manufacturing process called inclusion body technology (not rDNA). This product was associated with GH antibodies. While it's probably referred to by CAS somewhere, I seriously doubt that anyone still manufactures this.

Glad that you were able to allay peoples' concerns about scary dimer and high molecular weight proteins.
It is still often warned about U Lab GH in the media. Either it's not GH but something bad. Or it's from cows, with pictures of bovine brain banks. Or it comes from corpses and causes Kreuzfeld Jakob disease.
Or it is 192aa.
But never that it is real or good GH.

The Media really sucks.maxresdefault.jpg
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would your testing be able to distinguish 191 from 192aa hgh if such a thing existed. I know little about HPLC testing works.
I am also interested in that and what does it look like when it comes to bovine Somatropin, this one also has 191AA.
The amino acid sequence of the protein is over 70 percent identical to that of human somatropin.
Bovine Somatropin is recognized ?
I am also interested in that and what does it look like when it comes to bovine Somatropin, this one also has 191AA.
The amino acid sequence of the protein is over 70 percent identical to that of human somatropin.
Bovine Somatropin is recognized ?
Yes. Also I meant to ask what would happen if different kdh weight 191 was tested. Would it distinguish if it was only 22 etc ?
It is my belief/understanding that there have been changes in the detection of dimer at @janoshik so it may be worth discussing what the new 'standard' is. I have carved through a number of vendors' threads looking for HGH test results from April onwards and can't find any, which seems odd. I suspect that people are unsure of what to make of the new dimer results and are apprehensive to post about it. Here are my two most recent batches that have both tested positive for very small amounts of dimer:

https://janoshik.com/tests/30587-3vial_pull_L4AYT3NA6DQH (0.666%)
https://janoshik.com/tests/32350-3vial_pull_UAGA31WAPHVI (0.346%)

I have led myself to believe that the new average is around 0.6-1.5%, but this can be affected by various factors (temperature, exposure to light).

If any members have any test results from late March through to present that do NOT have dimer results (where testing is ordered, of course), it would be great to see them.
It is my belief/understanding that there have been changes in the detection of dimer at @janoshik so it may be worth discussing what the new 'standard' is. I have carved through a number of vendors' threads looking for HGH test results from April onwards and can't find any, which seems odd. I suspect that people are unsure of what to make of the new dimer results and are apprehensive to post about it. Here are my two most recent batches that have both tested positive for very small amounts of dimer:

https://janoshik.com/tests/30587-3vial_pull_L4AYT3NA6DQH (0.666%)
https://janoshik.com/tests/32350-3vial_pull_UAGA31WAPHVI (0.346%)

I have led myself to believe that the new average is around 0.6-1.5%, but this can be affected by various factors (temperature, exposure to light).

If any members have any test results from late March through to present that do NOT have dimer results (where testing is ordered, of course), it would be great to see them.
We have upgraded our SEC HPLC column (the one used for dimer and higher molecular mass measurements) on 28th of February 2023. With the new column it appears we are much better at detecting minute amounts of dimer in the samples, so the readings might be higher than before. We wanted to get the same column as before, but it's not available anymore.

Average dimer measurement in the past 3 months has been 1.49%, if I wrote the database query right. This might be skewed a little bit due to internal reasons, but not too far from the truth, unless I messed the SQL up.

There were 3 tests with no dimer detected in last 3 months.

Does this help?
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We have upgraded our SEC HPLC column (the one used for dimer and higher molecular mass measurements) on 28th of February 2023. With the new column it appears we are much better at detecting minute amounts of dimer in the samples, so the readings might be higher than before. We wanted to get the same column as before, but it's not available anymore.

Average dimer measurement in the past 3 months has been 1.49%, if I wrote the database query right. This might be skewed a little bit due to internal reasons, but not too far from the truth, unless I messed the SQL up.

There were 3 tests with no dimer detected in last 3 months.

Does this help?
Your insight is always helpful in contextualizing results. Thank you!
I thing the warm weather could be culprit for the dimmer.
also uses a Dif column since feb or so which has given average of dimmer now to around .5% IIRC... that is to say QSC is coming back VERY VERY low compared to other generics atm ESP since was sent in the heat of summer, although very fresh batch. some as high as 1.6% or more with the new new testing. only 3 samples have come back with 0 dimmer since the change apparently.

edit: lol guess that was all said in the quoted GGC post above... anyway, point was great result for QSC and GGC was making a note in another thread how there tests are showing more dimmer now so were curious if other generics were having same issue as of course reflects poorly on the quality for them as dimmer looks worse because test more frequently and more tests with the new column, BUT Q S C still came in very low by comparison.
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also uses a Dif column since feb or so which has given average of dimmer now to around .5% IIRC... that is to say QSC is coming back VERY VERY low compared to other generics atm ESP since was sent in the heat of summer, although very fresh batch. some as high as 1.6% or more with the new new testing. only 3 samples have come back with 0 dimmer since the change apparently.

edit: lol guess that was all said in the quoted GGC post above... anyway, point was great result for QSC and GGC was making a note in another thread how there tests are showing more dimmer now so were curious if other generics were having same issue as of course reflects poorly on the quality for them as dimmer looks worse because test more frequently and more tests with the new column, BUT Q S C still came in very low by comparison.
Stop fucking posting if you're always going to get shit wrong. He said the average was 1.5%. It's literally 3 posts above yours and you still manage to spread misinformation. Fuck off you retarded fuck.
lol right, so how is "1.6% or more" false statement, just curious? is that an outlandish claim? lol should I of made up a number or stuck to what was known?