Dimer and related proteins in HGH

This is very reasonable. Would you call that “spearheading” the research, or, if it was cited, would you consider it yourself being cited (as clearheaded is doing here)? I’d venture to guess no.

Not spearheading by a long shot. It wasn't my project; I just did some of the experiments.

I don't give a shit if it gets cited. Or rather, I'd be happy for the lead authors and PI because it means something for them.
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Hello, my friend just tested our HGH in Janoshik and concentration was fine, purity about 97%, but dimer and related proteins also 3,39%. I can't find any info about it, is that normal amount or is that extreme or dangerous? What do they mean and what effects can it cause?
Thanks for help ;)
P.S. I am using this gh about 2 years and no side effects, but maybe they will come in future? Any facts, articles or something?
what source is this?
They should be careful with their half-knowledge.

The proteins stick together because they are folded incorrectly during production.

Proteins are like a body's in-house Lego set. These large, complex molecules are made up of building blocks called amino acids. Most of the time, proteins fold correctly, but sometimes they can misfold. This misfolding causes the proteins to get sticky, and that can promote clumping, or aggregation, which is the hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

I just wanted to help to protect them from diseases, but they don't want to understand. Then they use glued proteins. Anyone else shouldn't use something like this if their health is important to them. Below 1% dimer anything else is always greater risk.

So basically non of the current underground HGH can be used anymore.
I remember @Liska stating that pharma tolerance is up to 4%
Since our community does not have access to the testing method by which that was determined but we do know that theirs is (required to be) outdated due to a backwards compatibility rule vs the one Janoshik uses (as he does not suffer that limitation) aand that treshold is for specific patients requiring HGH aaaand for dosage protocols far more narrow than the scope used in/for bodybuilding... I don't see how it's relevant to our community.

Pharma manufacturers have a pass/fail requirement, they don't get rewarded for improving a product further than it has shown to be beneficial in studies/use. (In my dreams) UGL do get rewarded for every measurable/tangible product improvement because as many of our customers use dosages far exceeding those tested in any medical context, any product imperfections scale up as well, so aiming for higher accuracy than expected of pharmacy companies may benefit harm reduction for bodybuilders even if it didn't in clinical trials on normies.
However it stopped me from considering HGH from UGL. This seems just to risky, also HGH has not shown to be life prolonging, just better looks for a certain time...
Actually really depends on the study and how you interpret them. There is growing evidence and belief it is actually life prolonging as it beneficially aids so many systems, including things like mitigating overall body inflammation and improving the immune system.

As a middle aged dude ending his first month on hrt, I really don’t think I’ll ever be going back. The improvement to my qol has been significant.
FALSE don't get your info from blogs from people selling peptides or clinics selling RX..... yes benefits but absolutely if raising your IGF your cancer risk goes up and lifespan goes down... very good reason why small people with low IGF/GH live longest...

majority of TRT/hrt clinics are just pill mills... keep that in mind. make u feel good so keep coming back.. pretty straight forward biz model. any dr who gives 24yo 200mg a week with 500 test after 1 blood test is obv not looking out for health.

what's even crazier is that they sponsor forums and fancy salesman DR folks trust 100% when clearly just in it for the $$$...yes better than UGL and self dosing but need to keep in mind just like other pill mills they make u feel good, which is fine, just as long as understand that..
FALSE don't get your info from blogs from people selling peptides or clinics selling RX..... yes benefits but absolutely if raising your IGF your cancer risk goes up and lifespan goes down... very good reason why small people with low IGF/GH live longest...

majority of TRT/hrt clinics are just pill mills... keep that in mind. make u feel good so keep coming back.. pretty straight forward biz model. any dr who gives 24yo 200mg a week with 500 test after 1 blood test is obv not looking out for health.

what's even crazier is that they sponsor forums and fancy salesman DR folks trust 100% when clearly just in it for the $$$...yes better than UGL and self dosing but need to keep in mind just like other pill mills they make u feel good, which is fine, just as long as understand that..
That’s not from anti-aging clinics. There are serious believers that you are the incorrect one (as you’re largely citing mice studies, like that small live longer). You can absolutely have you opinion, but don’t play it off as if only someone trying to sell you something believes these things. There has also been little evidence that gh fuels cancer, and some evidence it reduces chances. It’s all about how you look at the relatively sparse data.

Ppl also didn’t think trt had long term life expanding benefits until very recent metastudies showed an overall decrease in male mortality going on trt, despite the relative dangers of it.

I agree the clinics are pill mills, but you’re just simply wrong saying the science is conclusive it’s long term harmful. I’m mostly saying there needs to be much more robust studies on gh before anything remotely conclusive on the issue can be decided.
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no im not citing any study, look around man... do u see many 90yo over 250 and 6 ft+? or do u see more 5 ft nothing 90 lbers?

plenty of evidence, and mechanism GH/IGF keeps cancer cells alive yes... This is why kids cancer is the hardest cancers to treat. This is also why longevity people actively try to lower IGF.

but your right there is no real long term studies on GH use in non deficient people. does that make it smarter or less smart to trust a DR who said that "no evidence"? ie when all signs point to one thing(including decades of us knowing BB who have highest IGF/gh die soonest), but never been studied, does that mean its not true and perfectly fine?

I love a meta study as much as the next guy, but can be skewed easily. Remember guys on HRT are going to DRs alot more often and get bloods taken alot more aswell because of the dangers of HRT, aswell as often live healthier lifestyle in general... ie exercise, go outside, eat healthier, mindset.

Castrated Males Live Longer why do u think aliens are sexless? lol

one last point, if agree a pill mill and just there for the $$, why would u trust them more than a pill mill that gave OXY and said u won't be addicted as no study showed it was addictive? when ALL signs point to it being addictive?

but I do agree its a balance, do u want to be 120 lady who couldn't walk for 20-30 years as bone density was so low u broke bones easily. or couldn't function as so tired/angry/hormonal and couldn't do the things u loved. That shouldn't be conflated with a 30 yo on HRT when didn't really need to be...

Do whatever u like(obv what most guys do here), just important that you understand your risks and even though a DR says its ok, do not trust everything 1 Dr says that is literally selling u the product or hired by the company selling u a product.

Guess ive just been watching too many of the recent DR. feel good shows on Netflix.
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no im not citing any study, look around man... do u see many 90yo over 250 and 6 ft+? or do u see more 5 ft nothing 90 lbers?

plenty of evidence, and mechanism GH/IGF keeps cancer cells alive yes... This is why kids cancer is the hardest cancers to treat. This is also why longevity people actively try to lower IGF.

but your right there is no real long term studies on GH use in non deficient people. does that make it smarter or less smart to trust a DR who said that "no evidence"? ie when all signs point to one thing(including decades of us knowing BB who have highest IGF/gh die soonest), but never been studied, does that mean its not true and perfectly fine?

I love a meta study as much as the next guy, but can be skewed easily. Remember guys on HRT are going to DRs alot more often and get bloods taken alot more aswell because of the dangers of HRT, aswell as often live healthier lifestyle in general... ie exercise, go outside, eat healthier, mindset.

Castrated Males Live Longer why do u think aliens are sexless? lol

one last point, if agree a pill mill and just there for the $$, why would u trust them more than a pill mill that gave OXY and said u won't be addicted as no study showed it was addictive? when ALL signs point to it being addictive?

but I do agree its a balance, do u want to be 120 lady who couldn't walk for 20-30 years as bone density was so low u broke bones easily. or couldn't function as so tired/angry/hormonal and couldn't do the things u loved. That shouldn't be conflated with a 30 yo on HRT when didn't really need to be...

Do whatever u like(obv what most guys do here), just important that you understand your risks and even though a DR says its ok, do not trust everything 1 Dr says that is literally selling u the product or hired by the company selling u a product.

Guess ive just been watching too many of the recent DR. feel good shows on Netflix.
There is a lot of assumption in here without much evidence to your claims. Longevity people do not always attempt to lower igf-1 and there are negatives associated with that as well. I get how you feel and understand it’s the current medical feeling on the subject at large, but I do think there are voices (that aren’t selling anything) saying that there are indeed longterm positive health outcomes from it and attempting to create studies to show so. These studies tend to suffer from poor sample size due to the nature of testing these things.

You are wrong about the science being conclusive for increased cancer risk tho, as the idea rHGH can increase the risks is literally based on a hypothesis that has not been proved in repeatable trials in any meaningful way, and we can find meta studies showing the exact opposite: Growth hormone replacement therapy reduces risk of cancer in adult with growth hormone deficiency: A meta-analysis

Although I agree meta-studies can be skewed, as can any study. This does not mean the science is conclusive.

There is also not decades of information showing us that those in the bb community with highest igf-1 die soonest, that is an informed assumption at best (tho a realistic one as I believe going supraphysiological with hgh likely has serious negative health outcomes).

I also explicitly do not trust the hrt clinics and think their overprescribing of trt to those who don’t need it is incredibly damaging. That said, for those who do need trt it is a godsend that repeated meta-studies now have shown reduces overall mortality in men.

I have found positive treatment impacts for my ptsd, insomnia, autoimmune issues, and general well-being from hgh hrt. I especially wish they would do more studies on the positive outcomes of hgh therapy for those who have suffered tbi and other brain damage as the few that exist show incredibly positive treatment outcomes.

I guess I’m just trying to say it’s clearly not black and white consensus yet on the issue.
That’s not from anti-aging clinics. There are serious believers that you are the incorrect one (as you’re largely citing mice studies, like that small live longer). You can absolutely have you opinion, but don’t play it off as if only someone trying to sell you something believes these things. There has also been little evidence that gh fuels cancer, and some evidence it reduces chances. It’s all about how you look at the relatively sparse data.

Ppl also didn’t think trt had long term life expanding benefits until very recent metastudies showed an overall decrease in male mortality going on trt, despite the relative dangers of it.

I agree the clinics are pill mills, but you’re just simply wrong saying the science is conclusive it’s long term harmful. I’m mostly saying there needs to be much more robust studies on gh before anything remotely conclusive on the issue can be decided.
Could you post the meta study you are referencing as i would like to read it.

As for long term HGH. From what i have read from David Sinclair and others. While not on humans but in other creatures those at the lower levels of HGH tend to live longer than those at higher levels. There are certainly short term benifits but they don't tend to carry over in the long run on other life forms. As for humans i think it will be some time before we have anything very conclusive.
Could you post the meta study you are referencing as i would like to read it.
The trt mortality studies? There are a few now.

There was more major one recently (last year or two) but I’m struggling to remember where I saw it. When it comes to me I’ll post it.

If you are talking hgh here is one of the micro studies I was talking about (should be taken with a grain of salt as this sample size is super small, as well a lot of controversy around the clocks).
it's really is a case of how you define aging to whether gh is "anti-aging" or not.

if you define aging as a measure of function/performance it is anti-aging.

it lets 40-year-old men (re)generate new tissue like they are 20 again.

but the increased metabolic stress of this causes them to die sooner.

if you define aging as total amount of time alive with no regard to the quality of that time GH is pro-aging.

it's really is a case of how you define aging to whether gh is "anti-aging" or not.

if you define aging as a measure of function/performance it is anti-aging.

it lets 40-year-old men (re)generate new tissue like they are 20 again.

but the increased metabolic stress of this causes them to die sooner.

if you define aging as total amount of time alive with no regard to the quality of that time GH is pro-aging.

I think when it comes to anti-aging it pretty much comes down to actually living longer and maybe amount of illness along the way. Performance etc would depend on what each person is interested in and would be difficult to impossible to track.Athletic people and couch potatoes have different standards they would prefer.
castrated animals live longest... the cost of reproduction (high hormones) is high.

again, if want to know if TRT REALLY helps anti aging. u need to compare people who see Dr and get as much bloods done as TRT patients. ie when ontop of HBP hemocrit other heart issues as much as TRT patients of course u live longer... I mean u have to be pretty foolish to believe that Drs watch TRT patients sooo closely (and we all know what it does) for no reason...

also look at the study and was it true trt and guys getting into 500-700 range ?or over 700 test? would u say guys on TRT on average live healthier in general then general population? I wonder if they kept guys in the study that stopped TRT and actually had lower T from shutdown at end of meta study..

but I think the study he was asking for was the GH study you mentioned...

if guys with acromalgy lived even average length of time may have a case. even treated they die ~15% sooner.

also I think its important again to separate deficiency vs what HRT clinics call optimum... ie if truly wasting away yes of course HRT will turn life around, bring happiness health etc... but if take hrt when truly not deficient the cost benefit drops steeply.. ie u had decent T levels u got on TRT didn't notice much (as already used to a decent level) so u slowly titrate up to where u FEEL it which is "optimum" for most of the clinics and just so happens to be super physiologic and at that point u are just taking on risk and why those guys end up on 3-4 more pills AND have to give blood. one for E, one for cholesterol, one for boner since ur E is crashed.. that is all to say if need to take MORE pills on TRT chances are its not life extending.

I mean its pretty obvious, always seems like BALD guys with alot of body hair (ie often high test/dht) are the ones to have heart attacks before 50yo. just an observation in the people I know with heart issues. 95% all have thinning hair.. could be random, just something I noticed since I was little.

anyhoo, just think its important people understand risks and dont think GH TRT is all good with little downside. but also think if its between adderal with antidepressants and benzo to sleep that lower dose HRT is prob better option... or if identify as a big strong man you should be able to take all the gear u want...or if want a little more vitality should be able to aswell, just important truly understand the road your going down.