Dimer and related proteins in HGH

lol right, so how is "1.6% or more" false statement, just curious? is that an outlandish claim? lol should I of made up a number or stuck to what was known?
You're so fucking retarded you can't even understand how retarded you are. You literally said, word for word: "also uses a Dif column since feb or so which has given average of dimmer now to around .5% IIRC."

The actual quote from Jano is 3 posts above yours saying, word for word: "Average dimer measurement in the past 3 months has been 1.49%, if I wrote the database query right."

I don't generally condone bullying but you are actually a detriment to everyone around you. If you would at least shut the fuck up every now and then you wouldn't be half as unbearable as you are, but I can't even defend the suggestion of just being nice to you because you're potentially the dumbest motherfucker that has ever set foot on this forum. That's saying a lot.

At least other dumb motherfuckers don't spam a fraction of the amount that you do, but its actually work keeping up with all the stupid bullshit you spout that other people might mistake for somewhat accurate information. If you can't accurately recall what an informed opinion stated 3 posts above you then please just shut the fuck up forever and never ever try to 'inform' anyone on a topic.
lol thanks for correcting the typo though(if I posted 0.5% you would have a point I guess though). never mind was posted with a caveat of IIRC, AND is a meaningless thing as the point was simply dimmer is higher now. grasping at straws much? bahahah.

promise im smarter than you and have actually published literature that has been cited by other authors as was groundbreaking data I spearheaded before I even graduated..

im sorry going against bro narratives and typos get u so worked up. go to betterhelp promo code CLEARHEADED

love it though, get out the pitchforks there was a typo that made NO difference to the point of the post. OMG stop the presses. lol.
lol thanks for correcting the typo though(if I posted 0.5% you would have a point I guess though). never mind was posted with a caveat of IIRC, AND is a meaningless thing as the point was simply dimmer is higher now. grasping at straws much? bahahah.

promise im smarter than you and have actually published literature that has been cited by other authors as was groundbreaking data I spearheaded before I even graduated..

im sorry going against bro narratives and typos get u so worked up. go to betterhelp promo code CLEARHEADED

love it though, get out the pitchforks there was a typo that made NO difference to the point of the post. OMG stop the presses. lol.
I've been advised by a member on this board that there may be something that actually did happen to you to make you this way and that its not in your control. I'll ask you politely to please not try to make informational comments on this board. It is not good for anyone. There are, unfortunately, some conversations that you will not be equipped to participate. There are many sections of this forum where you will be welcomed and helped where needed, just please do not try to give advice or offer any 'wisdom'.

simply was saying to guerrilla Pete that 0.18 dimmer was amazing low for the new testing... as I interpreted his statement as saying 0.18 is a high # from the heat of summer, but with the average being 1.5% or even IF average was0.5%, 0.18 would be a low result. not sure how this got you so riled up? associated with GGC?

at any rate, glad u calmed down and realized you were incorrect and jumped down my throat for a typo(after realizing other parts of my post were also factually accurate) that had little to do with the point of the post..

great thing about forums is if something is not accurate folks can chime in and say "eh thats a typo"... but it is pretty funny the pitchforks lately and then 95% of the time I am able to provide facts/sources and not just pulling things from thin air.
lol thanks for correcting the typo though(if I posted 0.5% you would have a point I guess though). never mind was posted with a caveat of IIRC, AND is a meaningless thing as the point was simply dimmer is higher now. grasping at straws much? bahahah.

promise im smarter than you and have actually published literature that has been cited by other authors as was groundbreaking data I spearheaded before I even graduated..

im sorry going against bro narratives and typos get u so worked up. go to betterhelp promo code CLEARHEADED

love it though, get out the pitchforks there was a typo that made NO difference to the point of the post. OMG stop the presses. lol.
Lmao, are you bragging about being a part of undergrad research someone else was doing as if that’s a major accomplishment for you? And you “spearheaded” it? Lol! Jfc… for whatever it’s worth, anyone attempting to brag like this should be immediately dismissed as an authority. I like some of your posts but this really comes off as ridiculous…
you look foolish as obv dont understand what citing means nor what publishing literature is.

anyhoo, def not authority, just have decent logic skills and some objective/tangible things I have done to indicate as much.

everyone loves hearing from peanut gallery though, so thanks for the insightful post regarding dimmer and HGH...
you look foolish as obv dont understand what citing means nor what publishing literature is.

anyhoo, def not authority, just have decent logic skills and some objective things I have done to indicate as much.

everyone loves hearing from peanut gallery though, so thanks for the insightful post regarding dimmer and HGH...
No one publishes in undergrad so I know you’re full of it right there. Before you go “before I graduated masters/doctorate” I’ll lol and say I’ve never heard anyone with advanced degrees describe it like you are. Anonymous “bragging” claims like this paint you as a clown unworthy of serious debate.

Everything should be hesitant of anything you claim if this is how you present yourself mr academia. Lolz

Edit: we are on a harm reduction board, so it’s probably important the peanut gallery calls out someone like you moonlighting as informed while making laughable self claims to expertise. That’s my input on hgh and dimer, don’t listen to you about it.
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you look foolish as obv dont understand what citing means nor what publishing literature is.

anyhoo, def not authority, just have decent logic skills and some objective/tangible things I have done to indicate as much.

everyone loves hearing from peanut gallery though, so thanks for the insightful post regarding dimmer and HGH...
I do have college education in this field specifically and I have yet to see you explain things with the correct vocabulary/terms. Not to mention your grammar is trash which really pulls into question your credentials in my opinion.

I talk like a bro most of the time, but when it comes time to explain scientific concepts I slide right into academic writing style.

I have taken a 400 level class in writing scientific reports, and have written hundreds of not thousands of pages of lab reports/procedures etc. I see none of this training come through in your writing. If you have even a fraction of the credentials and experience you boast about you would have taken the same class and actually be able to articulate yourself in a way that was recognizable from said training.
lol clearly you have no idea what your talking about. yes very few publish as undergrad, hence why its impressive IMO. The grasping at straws folks do around here with pitchforks is hilarious though.... if you would like to learn more.

yes graduated with no English classes used philosophy and anthropology/archeology to fill that credit ;) prob was unwise, but as a dyslexic takes 5x as long so avoided it. Cant write a paper easily but 80 something % in 200 calculous was NBD :) at any rate, beside the point.

anyhoo, moot point. matters little in regards to this thread, someone just jumped down my throat for a typo so I fed the troll. here I am again feeding the trolls, unfortunately. makes 0 difference if have a Dr or trade school in regards to original point, but my ego got the best of me.

amazing I can garner so much attention for a typo though! lol

here is more insight into undergrad research publication Is publishing as an undergraduate a thing that really happens?
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I do have college education in this field specifically and I have yet to see you explain things with the correct vocabulary/terms. Not to mention your grammar is trash which really pulls into question your credentials in my opinion.

I talk like a bro most of the time, but when it comes time to explain scientific concepts I slide right into academic writing style.

I have taken a 400 level class in writing scientific reports, and have written hundreds of not thousands of pages of lab reports/procedures etc. I see none of this training come through in your writing. If you have even a fraction of the credentials and experience you boast about you would have taken the same class and actually be able to articulate yourself in a way that was recognizable from said training.
Straight the hell up, this moron clearheaded is a clown. He displays absolutely none of the skills necessary to be claiming advanced degrees in even a liberal arts field, let alone involving stem anything. His hilarious lies about spearheading research in undergrad is enough to discredit him entirely as being a serious academic. Thank you for correctly calling this dangerous clown out.
lol clearly you have no idea what your talking about. and yes very few publish as undergrad, hence why its impressive IMO... if you would like to learn more

This makes it so clear you’re a joke to anyone with a passing understanding of academia, lmao!!! I’m sure *so many* scholars have cited your riveting undergrad work that you “spearheaded” new concepts in.
spearheaded the research (ie was not told what to do) paper that gave some info not new concepts... lol great leaps u take in your grasping at straws mr troll... ;)

AGAIN, moot point as my credentials matter little in regards to a typo.
spearheaded the research (ie was not told what to do) paper that gave some info not new concepts... lol great leaps u take in your grasping at straws mr troll... ;)

AGAIN, moot point as my credentials matter little in regards to a typo
Its not just the typo my guy, but all the self-aggrandizing lying that should make anyone question your opinion which you erroneously paint as informed/expertise.
I had hoped my post would serve as an effective warning to others. You cannot achieve anything of value here. You are wasting precious time you will never get back. Do not let someone else's mental illness steal your energy.
agreed, folks who dig up old threads just to troll and go off topic is def a sign of being unwell... lol and yup def wasted enough time!
Wtf is going on in here.
Clearheaded spearheaded what?
Fun scientific fact for all the science guys:
They debunked the whole BigBang theory this year.
What you think about that @clearheaded ?
I was included as an author on 2 papers for research I did as an undergrad. I wasn't the first author, but I did some of the experiments and wrote some of the text. My advisor and the grad student on the project did most of the heavy lifting.

@clearheaded @GuerillaPete
This is very reasonable. Would you call that “spearheading” the research, or, if it was cited, would you consider it yourself being cited (as clearheaded is doing here)? I’d venture to guess no.