Dirts Brew log

First and foremost welcome to the club. Gear will be cheap and you will tempted to run grams of it. Don't

On the business side. Keep Test C and Tren E close to 250mg at most. 300mg is pushing it and it will (literally) bite you in the ass even if they don't crash (Test C WILL crash on that concentration in the winter months)

You have everything else figured out it seems, I would add the BA/BB after you reached max target temp and you have dissolved the raws with the oil only, they won't get damaged per se but BA/BB vapors are annoying. Filter warm -not hot it will go faster.

As for terminal heat sterilization, it's not necessary, I would only opt for it if I was forced to work with open vials that I had to sterilize myself as an added step.

Tag away, happy to help when I can :)
I was really hoping you would chime in! I appreciate the words.. are there any hazards from running the BB a little higher say at 25 or 26 vs 18 to 20. Just to make sure it says in solution. A little better?
The only thing I’ll add to what Narta said about TNE, and he’s going to like this because I’m making it with castor oil and it holds at 100 mg/mL.

31% propylene glycol, 16% benzyl alcohol, and 5% non-denatured ethyl alcohol, which allows TNE to be drawn and injected via 29g without pip (at least for me). I’m also planning to try this orally as well.

My Process:
Heat castor oil and test base to 200F while stirring for ~20 minutes. Once the temp is back down to below 120°F, then I add in the benzyl and ethyl alcohol and stir for another 20 minutes.

DITEST, which is a newer oral form of native testosterone (test base) is made this way, but their formulation is only for about 50 mg/mL and I’ve taken it to 100 mg/mL with my process above without any problems. Yes, this is an oral formulation, but I’ve also been injecting it over the last week (no pip) and won’t have time to do anything further with it for a while because I just found out I have to leave town for an unknown length of time, but I don’t believe anybody here or anywhere else has posted about this what I can tell.

Here’s one study about it…

I was really hoping you would chime in! I appreciate the words.. are there any hazards from running the BB a little higher say at 25 or 26 vs 18 to 20. Just to make sure it says in solution. A little better?
As @Spaceman Spiff has said, primo amps were like 50-60%bb and guys would inject one a day on the modest end. I believe spacemanspiff also uses 40% in his personal brews too

If you make test c at the generic 200mg ml with standard 20% bb. Or you make test c 300 with 22% bb, you'll still have consumed less bb in the test c 300
As @Spaceman Spiff has said, primo amps were like 50-60%bb and guys would inject one a day on the modest end. I believe spacemanspiff also uses 40% in his personal brews too

If you make test c at the generic 200mg ml with standard 20% bb. Or you make test c 300 with 22% bb, you'll still have consumed less bb in the test c 300
I do 45-50 in castor oil products. More for thinning

25% in test c 250
30% in test d 500