Dirts Brew log

Have you by chance ran a glutathione test before/after at that dose? I was running 200mg/day and total glutathione came back as the same as without supplementation. I'm getting ready to take another stab at it to verify I didn't fuck anything up the first time.
I didn't but I could try the same.

Will.ask how much is the cost of the blood test
homebrew is significantly cheaper, 25g of pharm grade glutathione reduced is roughly 21 USD.
Yeah indeed but I don't mind paying for it. It's just easier xD I'll probably brew it down the road just didn't bother for now
And the whole PH things is annoying.

Where do you buy pharma gluthatione raw?
you don't brew your own glut @Dirthand ? if you watch the pH is pretty easy
Its just one of those things that I don't plan on doing a hole lot of ao it's just more convenient for me to buy finished product like with nad+ as well. I made a bunch of l-carnitine that I stuck.with due to request of someone else... I probly won't use that stuff. I am only doing 800-1000mg of glutathione a week and 500-600 nad a week.. I'm just not real impressed buy these.. now that I'm back doing hgh, tb and bpc I'm trying to cut down on injections. I would show you guys the list of shit I'm taking(peptides, gear, supplements, medications, ancillaries) it's just ridiculous so imma try cutting some shit down.
i had a guy lyphozise a bunch of nad as he was testing his drying gear, and I didn't think to refrigerate it, no longer mixes. losts the cost of those raws, but i gave up l-carnitine I'm already a pin cushion for enough things and wasn't getting anything. gluthione though, that shit helped repair my liver.
Yeah indeed but I don't mind paying for it. It's just easier xD I'll probably brew it down the road just didn't bother for now
And the whole PH things is annoying.

Where do you buy pharma gluthatione raw?
That ph is a pain in the ass! Fck making aminos. My l carn came out to 8.5 and its smooth but was told PH is too high.