Apologies that my first post is a question but my regular board is much in the "DNP will kill you" camp, whereas this one seems open to its' discussion. My training partner and I recently went halves on an order of DNP. After both starting with 200mg for 3 days, we then bumped it up 100mg every 2 days (if we could tolerate it). Anyway, after 7 days, my dosage had reached 400mg, which is plenty for me, my partner, however, was utterly unaffected by it. Another another week of bumping and he found out his acceptable tolerance was 900mg of DNP. My question is whether one would expect the metabolism increase to rise as tolerance does; ie, even though he's taking 500mg more than me, will the metabolism increase still be affected by tolerance and we'll both lose the same amount of fat? Many thanks.
Sorry if this has been badly explained, I found it hard to word it well!
Sorry if this has been badly explained, I found it hard to word it well!