Do Androgen Receptors Become Saturated?


As a hypothetical, a person who has never ran peds decided to run 500mg test, 400 primo, and 250 deca, would the AAS go to waste? What I’m thinking is there’s only so many receptors at first and that they would become saturated, and most of the aas in the blood stream wouldn’t bind to anything. Is this true or does more gear = more mass always.
An interesting question. This paper Muscle Androgen Receptor Content but Not Systemic Hormones Is Associated With Resistance Training-Induced Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy in Healthy, Young Men describes a study in which the degree of hypertrophy correlates positively with androgen receptor concentration but not with systemic hormone levels in the study population of natty men. This is the result we would expect if the majority of intramuscular androgen receptors are occupied even at natty test levels. This raises the question: why are supraphysiological doses of AAS effective at building muscle? I do not know enough about biochemistry/pharmacology to make an educated guess other than that perhaps the contribution from non-androgen receptor pathways is quite significant.
As a hypothetical, a person who has never ran peds decided to run 500mg test, 400 primo, and 250 deca, would the AAS go to waste? What I’m thinking is there’s only so many receptors at first and that they would become saturated, and most of the aas in the blood stream wouldn’t bind to anything. Is this true or does more gear = more mass always.
Body adapts and more receptors are available when there is more aas in circulation.
This is true, but OP as androgen receptors up regulate due to the increase of exogenous androgens the accompanying muscle mass increases myostatin to prevent excessive muscle mass, so it's not all roses.
Couple of Notes

1. Is there anyway to lower 'myostatin's' and
2. Is that really a good idea... what is the purpose of Myostatin's?
There’s some information online if you searched I’ve found it in the past I don’t exactly remember at which forum
i found there was no limit since the receptors upregulate themselves, only diminishing returns & theres effects out of ar binding affinity which will still be improved by upping dosage, ofc there will also be more of compounds being converted into dht & estrogen which increases side effects.
So it’s not the androgen receptors that is the issue. Here is a secret. Thank me later. It’s the estrogen receptors that get messed up! From regular and offshoot estrogen and mixes that attach and agitate, also metabolites!!! and god knows what else. Stop thinking like a rat study and think like an enhanced human being. All that androgen talk is mostly pointless mental vomit. Also your estrogen receptors can be fucked long after so called compounds are not effective. And blood tests will not measure this. Every compound has some sort of attachment or interference with it. And the combination is very confusing to how the body reacts.
Vigorous Steve is a hackfraud and if he says something you can safely assume that the inverse statement is more likely true.
Probably the exact reason why I'll avoid yk11, slupp32? and methylene blue. I tried to watch the deep dive on it and I was 5 minutes in and still hadn't heard the supposed benefits of methylene blue